Struggle to Remember

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I woke up at the hospital and my memory was foggy but I know who did this to me. What Zeke did was not the first time this had happened to me because my father did it often but I didn't really want to think about that right now. On the side of my bed Rebekah and Julie were sitting anxiously waiting to see if I would wake up and when I opened my eyes I could see the joy in there faces but suddenly realizing that I was awake a police officer walked in and started asking me some questions. 

"What do you remember about, the attack?" The police officer asked,

"Well I remember we were admiring the view and Zeke walked up to us and said that we would regret that I pulled him off of Rebekah in his attempt to have a sexual relationship with her, but we ignored him but he then started the attack I believe that is how it happened but I may be missing out a couple of details that I can't quite remember I mean they are kind of fuzzy" I stated,

"Thank you very much, we appreciate you putting yourself through this" the police officer announced.

I was still in hospital because I needed surgery on my leg due to the damage done to it from Zeke's attack but I wasn't going to be in hospital for very long after the surgery. Julie was freaking out because it was a risky procedure but it was better than it being cut off completely.

*1 week later* 

I arrived back from the hospital and had a giant cast on my leg. "how are you feeling?" Julie asked, I smiled "i'm great but still a little sore" I replied. Julie sent Zeke to prison with her tear jerking testimony about how she thought that I might not make it out alive and how she didn't want Janie to have no parents and no sister. But I thought that was unnecessary.   

I was really upset because in light of what he did to me the judge is forcing me to go to therapy to deal with any unresolved issues I may have to do with abuse. I arrived at my therapist's office, it was a tall building with dark windows and it seemed very serious but the only thing I am worried about is things from my childhood coming up in discussion.

I walked into the office and my therapist is a young woman wearing a dark blue pan suit with a name tag making it very clear that her name is Ms  Larson. "Hi my name is Emma Carson, am I in the right place?" I asked, she nodded "please follow me" she replied she started walking towards a back room so I followed her, we entered the room and I sat down on a sofa and Ms Larson started speaking but I was not listening "EMMA" she shouted I shook out of it "oh sorry" I apologized.

"What did you feel when it happened?" Ms Larson asked,

I looked around the room and looked out of the window "I felt pain" I admitted,

"and what else?" She asked,

"Nothing" I replied,

she didn't seem shocked "How did you feel nothing?" She asked,

I rolled my eyes "because it wasn't the first time it had happened so yea. Are we finished yet?" I replied,

"no we are not finished, who has done this to you before?" She asked,

a buzzer rang indicating that I can leave" I can leave right?" I asked, 

she nodded "yes you can leave but only because our time has run out I will see you tomorrow, which we will start to talk about the abuse you suffered" she said this so calmly but I still got up and walked out of the building, Julie was waiting for me in the car as soon as I entered the car Julie asked "how was it?" I replied sarcastically "great".    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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