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So, I know it's suppose to come in July but I wanted to post the one part. *-*

And one of my stories, Truly Madly Deeply (Lilo) has been nominated for the 1D Bromance Awards (thanks to @PercyArtDirection, love you loads :D ), so please go and vote. :) 

Oh and sorry for the lack of updates, final exams coming up (we all know what's that like) and plus new season of teen wolf, so I am pretty busy. 

but anyways, here's the first part. It's a flashback, it maybe or maybe not be confusing but if you don't get anything, feel free to ask.


*Liam's POV* 

"Are you seriously planning to stay single forever? Have you even kissed someone before?"

"Yes Lou, I have and if I have to, I will stay single for ever." I said. Louis groaned from beside me, quickly shoving books into his locker before turning to face me. "Can you not stare?"

"Can you get a love life?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow up at me. Rolling my eyes at him, I closed my locker. "I am just trying to help here, everyone needs love in their life"

"No they don't, no one does and even if they do, I don't. I'm perfectly fine, see and I am very happy without it Lou." I walked off towards the Science corridor, he never gets it. He never understands my reasons, not everyone can fall in love and live happily ever after, not everyone's story can be a fairy tale.

Everyone wants to find the "One" and everyone wants "Love" and some will but some only get pain, hurt and heartbreak. And I don't ever want to go through what my parents went through, I don't think I'll ever last if I had to, so it's better to stay away from love. Stay away from everything love had, that's the only way to live in peace.

"LIAM?" I turn around to see two incredibly green eyes staring at me and it took me no time to recognise the person.

"Harry, not now. I have class and please just leave me alone" I gulped as Harry moved closer and as much as I was trying to stop my stomach from getting those butterflies and for my heart to stop thumping so loudly, it wasn't working at all. 

"Stop pushing me away for once, will you? I am not sitting down in peace till I get that one date with you, I thought I made that clear from the start" Harry said and I didn't realize I was trapped until I felt my back hit the wall and Harry's body slowly closing over mine.

"It's just one date, Liam" I shivered when I felt the light brush of his fingers on my cheeks, my eyes closing against my will. I hated the fact that he could affect me this much, I absolutely hated it.

"Harry move, please. You can't make me like you or anybody. And you don't even know me, you don't know a thing about me." I hissed, my hands pushing against his chest and that totally worked. Note the sarcasm. "Harry, last time. Let.me.go."

"I love you, okay. I love you and that's all I need to know. I don't need anything else." My heart stung at those words, it felt like my whole heart was happily dancing at those words. But my whole body was begging to be somewhere else, somewhere Harry and his green eyes didn't exist at all.

If there was one person in this world that could make me fall in love or make me believe in love, it would be Harry. I knew that if I gave him one chance, I would be in love, maybe I already was. I don't know, all I know is me and Harry need to stay away from each other. For our own good.

"Stay away from me, just stay away" I muttered but before I could even think about pushing him away, his lips were pushed against mine, stopping any further words. His lips hot and warm around my mouth, his tongue darting in straight away not waiting to waste any time.

This was exactly the first time he had kissed me. Every time he tried to talk to me, this was always the way the conversation would end.

"Liam, I love you. Please, just give me a chance. One chance and I'll show you that love can exist and it's the best feeling ever." The vulnerability in his voice immediately made me want to give us a go but I could never ignore the nagging feeling in my brain that stopped me from doing so.

"You don't understand Harry" I whispered, closing my eyes to stop the threatening tears. "Trust me I want to, but I can't."

"You tell me this every time, what's there not to understand? I know you're scared, but I promise I'll love you forever." His lips brushed against my nose before slowly trailing down to my neck, laying a single kiss between every word he said. And I was so urged to believe his words and I would've if it wasn't for that stupid nagging feeling.

"Liam, please." 


Harry sighed loudly, letting out a growl before laying his head against the wall next to mine, I watched silently, my breathing raged and uneven as my eyes roamed over the boy next to me.

"See, it hurts Harry. That's what you need to understand" I muttered, pushing his shoulder so that he was away from the wall.

"I'm hurting because you are being a big arse who thinks about nothing but himself, who can't see that I would do anything for them, who can't see that I am head over heels in l-"

"Say that one more time and I swear I'll punch you" I said, finally getting myself away from him. I crossed my arms over my chest as Harry head hit the wall again, a loud sigh leaving his mouth.

"Stop pretending you don't"

"Don't want?"

"Like me, I can see it in your eyes. Just say yes, Liam. Just one yes and you wouldn't ever regret it. I promise" This was my chance, my chance to tell him that maybe I could do this. I could finally let go off my fear and love someone, love him.

"No, Harry. Just no, every one breaks promises and who says you wouldn't too" And I was walking away, my heart feeling more heavier than ever, furious hot tears streaming down my face and just one thing on my mind. Harry Styles.


So hope that was okay. The next update will be a chapter, and I hope there aren't any confusions, if there are then feel free to ask.

don't forget to 





:) x

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