Chapter 2

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A/N This is short but, hey ya cant help it sometimes~Mik


            In the morning I have to get out of the house quickly because I had smashed the alarm clock against the wall after it wouldn’t shut up and went back to sleep. Well, there is yet again another sucky aspect to Sporks. I get to drive a 1970 VW bug. I simply get in the car and drive to school. Honestly I drove past the school a couple of times before I could find it. Finally, I had found SporksHigh school and man was I right about being the prettiest. I knew all the boys would want me, being a Junior and all, but I have my eyes on a bigger prize, taking over this school. As I am walking down the hall way this Chinese kid comes up to me and goes   “Emma Swag?”

“Yeah Why?”

“Man your way better looking than Charles”

“No, really?”

“Fiesty, I like it”

“You got some serious issues”

             Then he pulls out this gun, but it’s all bedazzled and it’s pink?

“What did you say about me having issues?”

“What is that??!!” And then he changes from anger to startled with a hint of curious.

“What do you think it is?” He says raising an eyebrow.

“It looks like a bedazzle gun, you know when you wanna put gems on your cloths.”

“Dang it.” He said it under his breath embarrassed.

“Good luck scaring people with that.” and as I was walking away I thought of a really funny nick name for him, Feminine Pat.

             So every one comes up to me and introduces themselves. Then it comes to lunch and I sit at the most crowded table (to help my rep). Then the hottest guy I have ever seen comes into the room. I’m thinking if I can date him I’ll be a shoe in for prom queen (if I wasn’t already).

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