Jiwon - Girlfriends

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"Y/N-ah, let's go on a date~~"

"Nah, get lost Jiwon. Don't disturb me. I'm cracking my head up for the assignment tomorrow."

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh~ no, I don't wanna get lost~ Bobby oppa is lonely!" Jiwon whined.

Y/N ignored him and continued on her work.

"Ahhhhhhhhh~ Y/N is ignoring me!!"
Bobby shouted and went up to Y/N's bed and jumped up and down.

"If you're gonna do this, I'm gonna throw you out of my room and you will be banned from entering my room until my assignment's over!" Y/N was already frustrated with her work and yet, Jiwon is disturbing her non-stop.

"Aniya~~then I will help you~~"

"No thanks, just go away. Please."

Jiwon was upset and he got up and exited the room.

Before he left, he turned his head around and said, "Y/N-ah, you owe me a date. I'm gonna get it back from you after you finished your assignment."

Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Y/N thought to herself as she busied herself with her assignment.


The following day

Y/N stayed up late till 3 am to rush out her assignment. She was dead tired. Maybe she would just skip school one day and ask Su to help her pass up her assignment.

Knock. Knock.

"Annyeong! It's Bobby oppa!! Wake up wake up~" Jiwon shouted cheerfully at Y/N's bedroom door.

Argghhhhhh. Her sleep was disturbed and she is totally pissed off.

"Go away, Kim Jiwon! I just wanna rest. I'm not going to school today!" Y/N shouted back before she covered herself with the blanket.

"What did you say? I can't hear. I'm coming in~~"

Wait, what?! NO!!! Y/N quickly got up and rushed to the door to lock it but too late. Jiwon was already stepping inside the room.

" What, are you rushing to give me a good morning hug? Come, Bobby oppa hug hug~"

"You wish." Y/N replied as she pushed Jiwon away before he could reach her.

" I'm gonna tell mum not to let you in so casually. You've violated my privacy. Really." Y/N said again before she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

" Mwo, mwo~ What privacy. We don't need that~ We're already so close. I've known you since you're in diapers and ...." Jiwon spoke cheekily as he backhugged Y/N who is still brushing her teeth.

"You're already mine isn't it?' Jiwon said seductively beside Y/N's eyes.

Then he was dripping wet. Y/N had splashed a big amount of water in Jiwon's face.

" Yah! How could you do this to your Bobby oppa?!" Bobby shouted as he cleaned himself with Y/N's towel.

"Serves you right. This shall teach you some lesson as not to claim things that weren't yours. Tch. Who would want to be yours." Y/N said nonchatantly.

Jiwon was silent for a few minutes.

"Yeah, you're right. Its my wishful thinking. Ha ha." Jiwon was disappointed and spoke softly. Then he went out her room and told her that he would wait for her outside.

She felt a pang of guilt for speaking without considering Jiwon's feeling. He wasn't that bad, is he? Many girls are dying to be with him...

She decided to apologize to him and when she reached her front door, she saw Jiwon staring into the distance with a sad expression.

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