☆Junhoe - IHYBILY☆

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Goo Junhoe is Han Taerin's elder brother.

You would ask why they had different surname?

Well, Goo Junhoe and Han Taerin have the same mother but different father. They are half-siblings.

Taerin didn't understand why, but her brother always acted like he hates her.

But deep inside, she knew that Junhoe was doing it deliberately but he actually does cares about her. A lot.

"Slowcoach, can you be faster? You're slower than a tortoise you know." Junhoe was lamenting away as Taerin rushed down the staircase.

"I'm coming, oppa! Wait for me!"

Junhoe didn't even look back at Taerin as he went to unlock his car.

Yeah, Junhoe drives to car and Taerin always go to school with them.

They went to different schools, so Junhoe would drop Taerin off at her school gate before driving to his school.

"Annyeong, Taerin-ah!" A bunch of girls are doing a polite bow as Taerin got off of her brother's car. By the way, Taerin goes to an all-girls school. So it could be understandable that the girls tend to get really excited whenever a person of the opposite gender visits their school. What's more, it's the cool guy Goo Junhoe!

Aishh.. these girls jinjak shii...

The girls go crazy over Junhoe that some of them even tried to get in Taerin's good books or did something to grab Junhoe's attention.

But do you think that will work with the sassy June?


Taerin continued to pass through the bunch of girls and some of them pushed love letters, gifts etc into her hands.

"Wait... what?" Taerin asked with her hands overloaded with lots of girly stuff.

"Help us to hand them to your brother juseyo!" A girl said earnestly as she clapped her hands together.

"Alright.. alright.."

"Thanks!' The girls said in unison as they started to disperse.

They indeed came with a motive. Now they're all gone. Taerin thought to herself as she stuffed all those items meant for her brother into her backpack. Then she walked silently to her classroom.

"Taerin-ah, can you send all these books to the staff's room?" As the class monitor, sending books is almost her everyday routine.

She always had her assistant monitor to assist her, but today she's absent. And nobody ever volunteered to help ==

So there she was, carrying the whole stack of books that were so tall that it had blocked her vision.

She had missed a step when she was going down the staircase and then down she went.

She hit the hard ground and all the books were scattered around her.

She quickly got up and she saw that her knees and the back of her arm were bleeding.


Still, she took her priorities first and sent all the books to the laboratory before heading to the nurse's office.

But the nurse couldn't be found anywhere so she just went to the water tap and gently clean her wounds.

Taerin walked out of the school gate by limping slightly. Her knees still hurt a lot.

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