☆Junhoe - Workmates☆

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It's the final semester break. Yeeun is currently looking for a part time job while she waits for her results to be out, so that she could apply for a place in the university.

She came across a stationery shop and saw that there are vacancy posts, according to the paper pasted on the glass door.

We are hiring:

Sales assistant
-Part time/Full time

*Walk-in interview

Great! Yeeun immediately went into 'Goo's Stationeries' as she approached the guy who was at the counter.

"Uhmm.. hello? I want to ask for any vacancies." Yeeun asked politely as she smiled at the guy.

"Oh. Wait for a while." The guy said monotonously, without smiling back as he went to fetch another man, which Yeeun assumed as the shop owner.

Can't he even smile back? Yeeun rolled her eyes as she thought that the guy earlier was kinda rude in his own way.

A few minutes later, the rude guy came back with the man. Unlike the rude guy, this man has a fatherly look and he was wearing a smile at all times.

"Yes, miss? Looking for a job?"

Yeeun nodded as the man asked her a few more questions, before finally taking down all her particulars.

"So, can you start work tomorrow?"

"Yes, I can." Yeeun answered happily.


The next day

As Yeeun haven't got her uniform, she wore a blouse with jeans and sport shoes as she began to walk towards her workplace.

It was 9.55pm in the morning, and her work started at 10pm. She saw the rude guy yesterday opening the shutters all by himself, so she went towards him, offering some help.

"You want to help? Okay, then you open the rest." The rude guy said as he casually walked into the shop after he opened the shutters of the entrance.

What? Aishh...this guy.

Yeeun mouthed to herself as she went to open the rest of the shutters.

When she was done, she was already perspiring a lot as she went inside the shop.

"Here. Sweep the floor." The guy tossed Yeeun a broom as he went over to the counter.

Yeeun grabbed the broom tightly as she was quite fed up with those attitude of his. Can't he just be more friendly and show some guidance to a new worker who knows nothing?

Yeeun realised the man with a fatherly look wasn't anywhere to be seen. It turned out that he only showed up at the shop at weekends, for only the shop will be quite busy at that time.

For weekdays, only the rude guy will be there.

She started to sweep the floor as the first customer stepped into the shop.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" The rude guy flashed a smile as he walked over to the customer.

"Uhmm, do you sell envelopes here? I want...."  The woman started to explain to the guy about the size of the envelope she wanted etc.

So.. he can smile? I thought the receptors responsible for his smile had rot and died. Yeeun thought to herself.

As she was observing the both of them, she noticed that...

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