☆Hanbin - Irritating☆

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Kim Hanbin, once again,

Failed in all his subjects.

"Hanbin-ah, you know that you're not going to graduate with those grades of yours right?" The homeroom teacher, Mrs Park asked Hanbin as she handed him his examination result slip with a worried look on her face.

Hanbin, on the other hand, just looked at the teacher with those sharp eyes of his, said nothing and just turned back to walk to his seat after he had received the slip.

Then he reached his chair, sat down and rested his head on the desk to continue his sleep.

Mrs Park took a glance at him and let out a depressed sigh.

Quickly the teacher's sigh dissappeared and a smile was formed on her lips when she look at the following slip and saw perfect As' written on that piece of paper.

"Hyun Seo." The owner of the slip was being called by the teacher as she politely walked over to the teacher and said her thanks after she's got the paper.


Hyun Seo walked home happily, satisfied with her own achievements, finally all her hard work had paid off.

As usual, she is at home alone, as her mother is busy at work.

It wasn't easy after all, for a single mother to carry all the responsibilities of taking care of her two children.

Meanwhile Hyun Seo's younger sister is at the daycare and only will be back at the evening.

The sound of the doorbell ringing jolted Hyun Seo who was dozing off in the living room from her sleep.

Still rubbing her eyes, she went over and opened the door slowly, trying to peek to see who it was.

Several men in black suits immediately gushed themselves into the house and Hyun Seo got the shock of her life as she didn't even know them. How could they just enter someone's house like that?

Hyun Seo secretly fished her handphone out of her pocket and was about to dial the police when one of them abruptly stepped forward and handed her a namecard.

"You may find it absurd of us to dash into your house like that but believe me, we are of no harm. I'm on behalf of my boss to discuss about a deal with you."

"With me? I don't have anything to talk to you about." Hyun Seo answered him with a puzzled look as she took a glance at the name card he handed her.

Kims' Trading and Co.

Those four words printed in bold caught Hyun Seo's attention.

What the heck of a deal would the boss of such a big company needed with her?

"Yes you have."


Could you even believe it?

Even Hyun Seo couldn't even believe it herself.

She had just signed a contract, yes, a contract with the boss of that big company.

Apparently she will be tutoring the young master of the company on all subjects for a month and if he manages to improve in his studies, she will be rewarded handsomely.

Hyun Seo have had a debate with her inner self before she finally put down her signature on that piece of paper.

She wanted that reward, because she also would like to contribute something to the family. And what's more, Hyun Seo and her family would be needing some financial aids as they will be moving house the next month too.

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