Chapter 27

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So I think I mightend this soon but not yet so dont't worry... :)


Megan's POV:

I was woken up by my alarm. Harry started shuffiling around until his eyes were looking at me.

"Goodmor- ow ow." He said rubbing his arm, "I don't know how I'm going to perform with this." He said holding up his arm.

"It's ok babe. We'll get it checked out today when we get back." I say, kissing his cheek.

"We have arrived back to London. Hope you enjoyed your stay here on Royal Carribean Cruize line. Please come back soon."

The captain said.

"Looks like we can leave." I said getting up.

"Well I hope you had a good time." Harry said hugging me from behind with his left arm since it wasn't hurt.

"I did." I say smiling and turning around to kiss him.

"Well I'm glad you did." He says pulling away.

"You have everything packed right?" I asked making sure I had everything.

"Yup. Packed last night." He said as he pulled on a shirt. He had on a white tank top with black basketball looking shorts. I had on white short shorts and a black spaghetti strap shirt that was lace.

"Hey we match only were switched." I say noticing.

"Hhah yea we are. I think this calls for a mirror pic." Harry says pulling out his phone. We both stand in front of the long mirror that was on the door. I put my arm around his waist since he couldn't.

"Perfect." He says. I noticed he made it his background.

"Send that to me." I say grabbing my phone.

"Ok, let's go then." We say picking up our bags. I grab my phone and shove it in my back pocket.

"Oh god I forgot Nia was cheating on Niall!!" I say, "He's going to be a complete wreck when we get back."

"Well, we'll know when we get back."

* * * * * *

We have jsut arrived home to the boys flat in london.

"Hellloo anyone home?" Harry says opening the door.

"HAZZA." Louis says running to harry and giving him a hug.

"BOO BEAR Ow ow watch the arm." Harry says as louis pulls away.

"I still think Larry is real." I mumble to my self.

"What was that Megan" Louis says puttting his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't Touch Me." i say remembering my sunburn.

"Geez someones on there period." Louis says letting go.

"No I'm not. Don't you see that I'm clearly sunburnt." I say setting my stuff down.

"Ouuuucch." Louis says poking it as I slap his hand away.

"Whats all the commotion about- Oh hi guys.." Niall says. He just looks down and sits towards the couch.

"Aw come here Niall." I say giving him a hug while rubbing circles on his back.

"Thanks." He mumbles and sits down on the couch.

"Megan, can we please go get my arm looked at. It hurts." Harry says holding his wrist.

"Yea sure. Louis can you drive us I don;t know where the nearest hospital is from here." I say. I should know considering I've lived here for almost a year.

"Yea sure. You going to be ok niall?" Louis says.

"Yea I'll be fine i'm just going to go to starbucks." He says and walks out the door with us.

"Alright." Louis says. Niall walks away getting into his car and drives off.

We walk towards Louis' car and get in. Louis is driving obviously, while me and Harry slide in the back.

"So how did you even break your wrist?" Louis asks.

"It's a long story." He says.

"We've got time. It takes abotu 30 mins to get there so spill." He says driving away.

"Well, we were slow dancing and then all of a sudden this drunk guy comes and takes me from away from Harry. Harry chased us and eventually caught up but then the guy started to punch harry and Zayn stepped in and accidently hit Lyla." I explained.

"Yea then I go to punch the guy but he grabs my wrist and literally just twists it. I swear I herd it snap." Harry says cringing.

"Oh god, so that's what the fans were talking about.. I thought it was a rumor." Louis says as we are pulling up into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Yea we should clear things up after this. Maybe over twitcam." Harry says.

"Ok." I say and we all get out and walk into the hospital. Louis walks up to the front desk with us following him.

"Yea my mate Harry here broke his wrist and it looked at." He explained to the young nurse.

"Ok just go wait- O MY GOD UR LOUIS AND HARRY. FROM ONE DIRECTION." The lady said, quietly.

"Um yea now can we get him looked at or..." I say.

"Yea sure sorry big fan big fan, so broken wrist." She says writting it down on her board, "Go to the room on the left, and the nurse we'll be right in." She says smiling at us.

"Thanks." We say and walk into the room.

"Oh only one person can be with him so.." She says awkwardly, "Sorry those are the rules."

"You go megan, I can wait for you guys." He says taking a seat next to a girl who looked 15.

"Alright let's go in then."

Louis POV:

As I sat down next to the girl who looked to be 16, she kept staring at me and typing away on her phone. She must be a fan because she was on twitter.

"Um hi are you a fan?" I asked.

"Y-yes I am." She said. Aww she was nervous. "Can I get a picture?" She asked taking her white iphone 4s out.

"Say cheese." I say making a silly face as well as she did.

"Thank you so much omg. I can't belive this!" She says. I noticed she made the picture her background.

"Your welcome. Now what's your name?" i asked puting an arm around her.

"Its actually eleanour just like your girlfriend." She giggled.

"Uh what a concidence. Do you have a twitter?" I asked.

"Yea its, @larrylover." She said shyly. Not this shit again.

"Oh nice name.. I'll follow you." within seconds of me following her, Megan & Harry walk out.

"Hey mate, howsn the arm?" I ask motionioning towards the cast.

"I have to wear this for 6 weeks." He pouts.

"C-can I get a picture?" I herd an all to familliar voice ask again.

"Oh yea sure." Harry bedns down and smiles while she takes the picture.

"Thank u so much omg. Hope your wrist feels better." She says waving off with her mom and sister.

"Well shall we get going then?" Megan says.

"We shall." Harry says while grabbing her hand and interlacing his fingers with hers.

"Ok then." I mumble to my self.


so what ya think?

and.... OMG I  CAN"T WAIT FOR 'Best Song Ever' TO COME OUT

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