Chapter 12

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"The one we were kill"

Wash's POV
I blinked a couple of times so the room would come into focus.
I looked over, hopping to see Hazel's beautiful deep eyes. But I saw nothing.

I leaned up quickly and scanned the room hopping to see a sign of her.

I saw a light coming from the bathroom.
I got up of the bed and walked over to the door.

" in there" I asked.
I heard a noise.
"G..go away, I don't want you to see this" she answered.
It sounded like she was throwing up.
"I coming in" I informed her.

I opened the door to see her leaning against the toilet.
"Oh my god, are you..sick" I questioned.

"Um...ya..sick is the word" she said.
I sat down next to her and held her in my arms.
"Don't worry..I'm not going anywhere" I told her.
She looked at me with a smile.

Iowa's POV
I look over at Nebs who was of course was sleeping.
Our beds were relatively close, at least...close enough for me to reach over and hold her hand.
I felt her warm hand in mine, her hole hand fit in my palm.
She started shivering. I looked down at her torso. She was wearing a sports bra so she didn't have much coverage. With my other hand I reached over and slid the bed sheet up to her neck.

How is she so beautiful..and with me. I thought.

She blinked a few times then looked up into my eyes.
" long have you been staring at me" she asked.
"Only a couple of minutes" I replied.
She smiled.
"Can we go" she questioned.
"I think so" I said with a sigh looking deeper and deeper into her eyes.

"Ok let's go, We have somewhere that we need to be" she told me sitting up and walking over to me.

"What..war do we have to be" I asked.
"Just common" she ordered.
"Ok but if we get in trouble-" I stated as she cut me off by pulling me out of bed and out the door.

Project HazelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant