Chapter 20

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                       Wash's POV

I sat up and kissed Haze's forehead.

She blinked a couple of times then opens her eyes all the way.

"Wash.." She cried.

He smiled and hugged her.

"We didn't think you'd wake up" I said still hugging her.

"Do you remember what happened" I asked.

"Ya..I was walking back to the room..and wen I was putting the PIN number someone came up behind me and..hit me with something" she said.

"Do you remember anything about him"

"Her..I..think" she stated.

"She was wearing..a..a black jacket" she stated.

Georgia's POV

"No you didn't have to" I stated.

"You know I hade to..for us..for him" she said.

"It's over..he's gone" I told her.

Wash's POV

"What did it look like" I asked.

"Black riding" she hesitated.

"RED..riding" I asked.

"Ya" she said.

"That sounds like-"

Georgia's POV


"Don't do this" I asked.

"I need find him" she said walking out of the shadows.

"The chief is long gone" I stated as Ohio pushed me into the wall holding my throat.

"You don't know that" she said pushing harder.

Wash's POV

Just as I was about to walk out the door North and Alaska walked in.

"Hey your up" North said walking over to her.

"It was Ohio, she did this" I said walking to the door.

" can't just go and beat her up" North informed me.

"Who says I can't" I asked.

"We did. look if you even attempt to go after'll die" Alaska added.

A blank expression came over my face.

"What am I going to do then" I asked.

"Well the good news is I think Georgia went after Ohio" Alaska said.

"so..they're probably going to team up or something" I told them.

"no..The look in George's eyes, she knew it was Ohio all along" he added.

Just as Alaska finished his sentence we heard gunshots echo into the hallway.

"what the hell..Who's shooting on the ship"North asked.

We all ran out into the hallway to see Georgia on the other side of the hall sitting up against the wall and holding her stomach as blood ran down her leg.

She was holding a pistol and shooting down the hallway.

"Georgia"Alaska yelled as he ran towards her.

"Ahh..go away" she yelled.
"this isn't your fight"

"No..but I love you, and I would do anything for you" Alaska said as he picture up bridal style.

He walked across the hall avoiding the bullets shooting right at him.

"Let go of me"she screamed as she kicked out of his arms.

Still bleeding she walked out into the middle of the hallway, held her pistil up and fired rapidly as she walked towards her sister.

"you can't win" Ohio yelled from around the corner.

"You can't ether" she yelled.

"You also will never find him" Georgia said reloading her weapon. 

"What's she talking about" North asked.

                   Georgia's POV

"I'm talking about the chief..isn't that right Ohio" I said as I stopped shooting and looked at the corner she was behind.

" chief" Wash asked.

"Ya..something like that" I said as I looked at the middle of the hall, I saw a shimmer in the air.

I pointed my gun at it.

"Hey there" I said shooting it.

Ohio came out of camo just as the bullet hit her..right in the chest.

She started to fall.

In mid fall she flickered a few times..then vanished.


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