Chat that randomly came 2 my mind

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A: some poem written by A

B: Omg, sweetie! It's sad, but beautiful♥♥ I love it♥♥

A: come on girl, you don't love it...

A: love me.

B: naaaah. I don't. I hate you.

A: neaw! You love me.

A: You do love me, don't ya?

B: Is My Chemical Romance still together?

A: ouch, that was mean.

A: but since you already wrote something referring to MCR: I think, you love me as much as Gerard is scared of teenagers.♥

B: I always thought, he would be really scared... but he isn't scared at all? You learn something new everyday

A: wow. You're a meanie. I hate you.

B: pls don't hate me!

A: ah, now you decide to love me?

B: no, but it's funnier to hate you, when you love me♥

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