1: She's intelligent. She's good in science and speaks two foreign languages, which is incredible!
2: She has got humor. I can't give any examples, but I noticed talking to her and listening to her conversations.
3: I love her laugh. Seriously. It's cute.
4: She dresses in a way that lets me get to the conclusion that she isn't focused on the surface but she still has style.
5: Her hair is amazing and I bet it feels even nicer than it looks.
6: She is nice to everyone. I have never witnessed her talking bad about someone else or something.
7: She's also nice to her brother and has a good relationship with her father, meaning that family is really important to her.
8: She likes same or similar music than me.
9: She's friends with a lot of people I know in some way or another, that are all really nice, meaning she really has to be nice.
10: She's always down for helping anyone if she can. I remember that one time I had to do my Spanish homework but didn't understand it and although it wasn't even 8 a.m., she tried her best to help me.
11: Whenever I am around her, my heart beats a little faster and I have to smile with no other reason but her existence.