Set It Off {4}

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Chapter 4:
Callen was sitting on the dining table eating pancakes when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Michelle announced and walked to the door.

She opened it to reveal her neighbors' kids.

"Oh, hello kids. Come in. Come in." she told them and opened the door enough to let them in.

"It's nice to see you, Miss Michelle." the girl said.

"You too. Oh, you must meet my niece and nephew. Callen!"

Callen had just finished his breakfast and was putting the dishes in the sink when he heard her call.

He walked into the living room to see the teenagers standing there next to his aunt.

"Callen, meet Daniel and Carter Lee. Daniel, Carter, this is my nephew, Callen."

Callen stared at the girl in front of him. She was gorgeous. Wavy dark brown hair and big stormy blue eyes.

"Callen, could you go get your sister?" Michelle's voice interrupted his thoughts.

He looked at the girl once more and saw she was blushing. He smiled inwardly and nodded.

He went up the stairs and nodded on Lux's door. "Hey sis, we have visitors."

"I'll be right down." she replied.

The boy walked down the stairs once again.

He looked at his aunt and said, "She'll be right down."

She nodded. "Why don't we all sit down while we wait? Daniel, Carter, would you like some tea."

They shook their heads.

A noise was heard from upstairs and everyone turned their attention to the stairs.


The first thing he saw was a pair of black boots. Then a tight black skirt, then a crop top, and so on.

Daniel stared as he saw the gorgeous specimen walk down the stairs gracefully. When he saw her purple hair, he would have done a double take if he had something to drink.

She walked into the room like the most confident person in the world.

His sister nudged him and saw that the girl was staring at him.

"Daniel, Carter, this is my niece, Lux. Lux, this is Daniel and Carter Lee." Michelle said again.

The girl, Lux, smiled and extended her hand to him. "It's a pleasure meet you."

That voice. Her voice was like honey, sweet and smooth.

Daniel cleared his throat. "The pleasure all min-ours."

She smiled again and went to sit by her brother. He felt disappointed from not being close to her anymore.

What was going on?

"Lux and Callen are here until their parents work out some...issues." Miss Michelle said. "They will need to go shopping soon because we couldn't get their bags here."

Daniel and Carter nodded.

Carter then turned to Lux. "By the way, that looks better on you than it ever looked on me."

The purple haired girl smiled. "Thanks. It's definitely different from what I'm used to wearing."

"Well, you rock it, girl."

"Why don't you and Lux go up to her room and hang out? The boys can go up to Callen's."

The girls nodded and walked quickly up the stairs whilst trading fashion advice.

The disappointment grew as Daniel saw Lux leave the room.

What he didn't know was that Lux was feeling exactly the same.

I'm sorry that this chapter kinda sucks.

QOTC: Who do you think Daniel and Carter are?

SOTC: Enemy Fire by Bea Miller

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