Set It Off {10}

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Chapter 10:
After lecturing her brother, Maegan walked to her room. She was exhausted from giving a tour, telling off an dumbass, and dealing with Dracul.

She opened the door and stepped inside.

"Nice room, Princess." a voice snarled from inside the room.

Mae turned around quickly to see Zane laying on her bed playing with one of the trinkets she had on her nightstand.

"What are you doing here?" she asked angrily.

He got up abruptly and walked over to her. "I don't appreciate being talked down to in front of my sister."

"Well, I don't appreciate you acting like I'm below you."

"You will be soon." he smirked.

Mae smiled evilly. "Lux will never love you and/or marry you. She doesn't like bastards."

"And how do you know that? I mean who would want to marry you? Who likes ignorant, preppy, idiotic princesses?"

Maegan stared at him in shock.

She snapped out of it and pointed to her door. "Get out."


He strutted out of her room and slammed the door.

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the floor where he had stood angrily.

"It is so on, Weaseltown."

"So do you want to go to the movies with us?" Carter asked Lux as they were walked to the next store.

They had been on a shopping trip for the last hour and hadn't found anything that Lux liked.

"Umm, sure. Callen can come too, right?" the purple-haired girl asked.

"Of course." the other girl replied a little to quickly.

"You really do like him."

Carter turned away to hide her blush.

"Come on, this is my favorite store." she said changing the subject.

Lux sighed as she was dragged into yet another store by the shorter brunette. She then gasped when she realized what store she had been dragged into.

"I refuse to shop here."

"Of course you're shopping here. It's part of the cycle of being a woman."

"I don't care. I'm not shopping in a lingerie store."

"Victoria Secret is a must, sweetheart. When you and my brother decide to jump each other's bones, you need to be ready."

Lux blushed. Did Carter really expect for that to happen?

"My family's traditional. I won't be doing any of that until after I'm married."

Carter smiled mischievously. "They don't have to know."

Lux punched her playfully. "They'll find out one way or another."

"Come on, you're still getting at least one thing here."

"Ugh, fine."

"I think it's nice that your sister made a friend." Belle told her grandson.

Callen smiled. "Yeah, all her friends back home she had known since they were in diapers. It's great that she found a new one."

"And how about you?"

"Oh, Carter's brother, Daniel, and I have been hanging out."

Belle smiled. "I'm sorry that you and Lux have to go through this. You two don't deserve the burden that has been placed on you."

"It's okay. At least we met Daniel and Carter."

"Yes, at least you did."

"So you were saying Maegan is taking care of the Weaseltowns? How is that going?"

She sighed. "Her and the boy aren't getting along at all. They seem to be at each other's throats 24/7. But I believe that her and Nicola are doing fine."

"Is she giving Zane a piece of her mind?"

She laughed. "Of course she is."

"That's Mae, all right."

QOTC: Are y'all still shipping Zane and Maegan together?

SOTC: Mean by Taylor Swift

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