Set it Off {20}

514 20 16

Just to warn you, this chapter is crappy.

Chapter 20:

The said girl stood frozen in place in front of the door. She gripped the white rose bouquet in her hands and closed her eyes. She was just imagining things.

"Lux, turn around." the voice commanded.

She stood her ground and kept telling herself that it wasn't real. It couldn't be real.

"Lux, baby, please." the voice pleaded.

She shut her eyes tighter and whispered, "Real or not real."


This time she felt a hand grab onto her wrist, and it spun her around. She was stopped herself by putting her hands on something. She looked up through the veil and saw his love-filled eyes.

She gasped when she realized it was him. Why was he here? How was he here?

He slowly lifted the veil from in front of her face and took the bouquet from her. He walked over to a large vase and place the flowers inside.

He made his way back over to her and pulled her into his arms again.

"Mea lux, are you going to say anything?" Daniel asked.

"What are you doing here, in Auradon?" she replied softly.

He smiled. "You have a very nice cousin."


"She told me everything. And we're getting you out of this."

Her eyes widened. "How?"

"I can't tell you right now, babe. That would ruin all the fun." he smirked.

"Well, at least tell me what I have to do."

"Walk down the aisle, sweetheart."

And with that, he kissed her on the cheek and left the room.

Once he had left, Lux brushed her thumb over where Daniel had kissed her. It still tingled.

She was in love with Daniel Lee.

"Hey, kiddo, you ready?" she heard her uncle say.

She looked to her left and saw Dracul walking over to her. She nodded slowly and pulled the veil back over her head.

"What happened to your flowers?" the man asked.

She shrugged and adjusted the straps on the dress. Dracul smiled solemnly at the girl and remembered how he had been in her position. He knew that she didn't want it to be real and still probably thought it was a nightmare.

He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry, kiddo. You shouldn't have to go through this."

She returned the embrace and sighed. "We have to go."

Dracul let go of the girl and offered his arm. She looped hers with his and knocked softly on the double doors.

The wedding march flooded their ears as the doors opened. All the guests stood up and turned towards her. But Lux didn't pay any attention to them, she just wanted to know what Daniel's plan was.

What if he didn't do anything in time? What if the plan failed?

Shut up, Lux. Her mind told her.

She blinked a couple times and looked to the front of the ballroom. She saw her father stood next to the Fairy Godmother with a grim look on his face.

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