Set It Off {15}

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(Mega Chapter)

*The song in the media goes with the chapter. Start listening when I give the signal 😂*

Chapter 15:
Lux pulled a sweater over her head in an attempt to warm her goosebump-covered arms. The heat wasn't working very well in the house so she was freezing. She snuggled deeper into the blankets she had wrapped around her and focused her attention on the TV.

The show that was on didn't particularly entertain her, but it was better than nothing. It distracted her from her thoughts that were attuned to two things: Auradon and Daniel.

She wondered about when she would return to her home. When all this marriage nonsense would be over. Her father, she knew, was as smart as they come and would do his best to get her and Callen out of this mess.

But she also wondered, what if he couldn't do anything. What if she had to marry Zane? She sure as hell wasn't going to let Callen take her place, knowing he was smitten with Carter.

She knew that if it came down to it, she would marry Zane. If it meant saving her kingdom and her brother, she would do it.

Lux blinked a couple of times to bring herself back to reality. She turned her attention back to the TV set in front of her.

It didn't help much because the characters on the show started holding hands, reminding her of the second topic on her mind: Daniel.

He made her feel more like a princess than she already felt. Whenever he was around, her heart started beating faster than she ever thought possible. He made her feel beautiful and like she was in a romance book.

She wanted him. Wanted him more than life. But one thing stopped her, what if she couldn't be with him? What if coming here was all for nothing? She didn't want to lead Daniel on.

She sighed. No amount of TV would stop her mind from running.

She grabbed the remote and shut the television off. She now had nothing to do.

She would call Carter, but she was with Callen. She was too nervous to call Daniel. She knew he would come over immediately, but he was probably busy.

Then there was a knock on her door.

Lux got up off of the couch and rubbed her hands over her freezing arms while walking to the door. She slowly opened it to reveal an anxious Daniel.

"Hey Danny." she said, smiling at the nickname.

"Do you want to do something rebellious?" he asked immediately.

Lux looked at him confused. "What?"

"Do you want to do something rebellious?" he repeated.

"What do you mean by rebellious?"

"Go get dressed in something warmer and meet me in the car." he stated and walked down the porch steps to his black truck.

Lux's confused eyes followed his fleeting form before doing what he said and heading to her room.

She pulled off her pajamas and pulled on a pair of black jeans, a red and black flannel, and a pair of black boots. She then pulled on her red trench coat and walked back downstairs.

She walked towards the large truck and pulled open the door. A gust of warm air hit her as she climbed into the vehicle.

"Where exactly are we going?" Lux asked, fiddling with her fingers.

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