Set It Off {11}

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Chapter 11:
Lux stepped into her house and took off her new coat. Carter promised to bring her new clothes later that day that were still in her car.

"We'll get the boys to help us." she had said.

Lux walked up the stairs and went to her room. She was exhausted. She flopped down on her bed and crawled over to her pillow.

"You're so adorable." a voice said.

She shot up from the position she was in to see Daniel standing in the doorway.

"Don't scare me like that." she pouted.

He smiled and walked over to the bed. He slowly moved his hand and placed it on her cheek. He lightly brushed over it his thumb.

"Don't pout. It messes up your beautiful face."

Lux let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding. Sparks seemed to be flowing from where his hand was throughout her body, and she reveled in them.

Something felt right being there with Daniel. Something she hadn't experienced before. In those moments, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Daniel didn't attempt to move from his position on the bed, but his body was pushing him to lean in. To feel her pink lips on his. To run his fingers through her purple hair. To hold her in his arms.

It took all his strength to not do just that. He knew that she probably didn't feel the same way.

That thought alone made him remove his hand from her cheek.

He looked down at the carpeted floor of the bedroom.

Sadness flooded through Lux's senses from the lack of contact. She wanted to feel the sparks forever.

"Daniel?" she said from beside him.

He looked up into her green eyes.

"Yes." he replied huskily..

She bit her lip. That was so sexy.

He had to refrain himself from immediately pulling her into his lap and crashing his lips on hers.

" you want to come to the movies with Carter, Callen, and me?"

Great job, Lux. her mind said sarcastically.

"Um, yeah sure. What are we going to see?"

Damnit! I forgot to ask.

"The Peanuts Movie?"

What the hell, Lux?

Daniel chuckled at her embarrassed blush. She was adorable.

"That movie looks great."

She looked up in his amazing blue-gray orbs and smiled.


"No, but I'll go to see any movie really." as long as it is with you.

He sighed inwardly. He was whipped.

"Maegan?" a voice said from the doorway.

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