Set it Off {19}

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*Lux's dress in the media

Chapter 19:
"Get this thing off of me!" Lux demanded and tried to pulled the dress off of her.

Just seeing herself in a wedding dress made her have a panic attack. It made the situation more real. She was going to be married in a half hour to a guy she's talked to once.

Not to mention, her maid-of-honor was missing. Maegan hadn't been seen since the day Lux got back. It worried her because it wasn't like Mae to not be there for her.

"Lux, calm down." her mother said soothingly, bringing the sobbing girl into her arms. "It will all be over soon."

"Daniel." the girl whispered over and over again.

Mal looked down at her daughter and let a traitor tear fall down her pale cheeks. She didn't want this for her.

She looked up when she heard a knock on the door and saw that it was Ben. He was looking at the hugging woman in guilt. He didn't want this for Lux.

He knocked once more, and this time, Lux looked over to him. She smiled softly before bringing her father into an embrace.

"This isn't your fault, Dad. You couldn't do anything to stop this." she whispered.

He hugged her tighter and whispered back, "I'm your father, and I will always blame myself for the wrongs in your life."

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Aluxandra Bertha."

Mal wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and wrapped her arms around the both of them.

"It's almost time, Lux. You have to go." her mother said after they pulled away.

The girl sullenly nodded before taking her bouquet from the servant that was handing it to her.

She sighed. This was it.

Her father wouldn't be walking her down the aisle because he had to help officiate. It sucked.

Callen couldn't do it because he was the best man.

This left her uncle, Dracul.

She walked to the door of the ballroom where the wedding was taking place. She stood in front of it and saw Dracul was nowhere in sight.

She sighed once again and pulled her veil over her head.

This is where my life ends. Right here. Right now. I'll never be able to have Danny's arms wrapped around me or to be feel his soft lips on mine ever again. After this moment, I shall never think about him again.


Melody fiddled with her fingers as she felt the seamstress zip up her silver maid-of-honor dress. She was late. Like very late.

Lux had probably been stressing without her, and for that, she felt awful. But what she had been doing should make up for it.

The seamstress said that she was ready, and Maegan got off the pedestal. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled when she saw that she looked really pretty.

"You look beautiful." a voice said from behind her.

She turned around and saw Zane standing there with a tux on. His hands were in his pockets, and he staring at her intensely.

He looked immensely tired with dark circles under his eyes. His hair was slightly disheveled, but it made him look sexier than usual.

"You should be in the ballroom or at least be getting ready for your wedding." Mae replied.

He took a couple steps forward before saying, "Is it still a wedding when both bride and groom are in love with other people?"

"I'm not a dictionary."

"There's the Mae I fell in love with."

"Zane..." she started.

He interrupted. "I love you, Mae. You're the one I want to be walking down that aisle to me. Lux is nothing in comparison to you. She never was anything to me. You've always been the one."

He stepped closer whilst Mae stepped back. This pattern repeated until her back was touching the wall.

"I know you feel the same, Maegan. I saw the way you reacted when they told you that Lux and I were getting married. I saw the way you looked at me when they introduced Lux to me. You can deny it all you want; you love me like I love you."

"N-no, I don't." Mae stuttered.

"Prove it."


Before she could finish, she felt a pressure on her lips. She opened her eyes when she realized Zane was kissing her.

She tried to fight the urge to kiss him back, but she ultimately lost. She kissed him back, and he put his hands on either side of her face.

He kissed her with so much passion that it made Mae feel like she was on Cloud 9. She never wanted it to end.

He pulled away to say, "You're everything I want, Mae. I can't marry Lux; it would physically and emotionally hurt me."

She started playing with the small hairs on his neck. "I have a plan. Just go to the wedding, walk down the aisle, and wait."

He buried his face in her neck. "I'm not leaving you."

She giggled softly from his breath tickling her neck. "You have to, Zane, or else the plan won't work. Please."

He groaned and hesitantly pulled away from her. He kissed her one more time before leaving the room slowly.

Once he had left, Mae touched her lips. She smiled when she felt how tingly they felt.

Zane had kissed her. And she had let him.

She was in love with Zane Weaseltown.

Hey y'all! So this is the second to last chapter of Set it Off. I'm really sad, but all good things must come to an end.

#Maegane is back people, I repeat #Maegane is back! (Btw, I was shipping them before this story even started)

Also #MaeganeKissFeels

QOTC: Who was shouting Lux's name?

SOTC: Closer, Faster by Against the Current

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