Set It Off {13}

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Chapter 13:
Lux blushed as Daniel offered his arm to her when they got out of the car. She linked her arm with his, and they walked up to the ticket booth behind Callen and Carter.

"You look beautiful, Lux. Like always." the tattooed boy said nervously.

Lux blushed even harder and looked away from his beautiful eyes. They followed behind the others into the movie theater.

"So are you excited?" Daniel asked the girl.

"About what?"

"The movie."

She smiled and nodded. "I'm SO excited. I neeeeeed to see what happens between Katniss and Peeta. Like now."

"Well, it's a good thing that we came today."

She nodded and paid more attention to where we were going.

No one wanted popcorn because they all knew they would get butter all over their outfits or binge on it like there was no tomorrow. So there they were, on their way to Theater 6.

Callen hurried to the door so he would be able to open it for Carter and, out of kindness, Daniel and Lux.

The brunette girl smiled widely as she saw the handsome boy being a gentleman. You could also tell that red was seeping onto her cheeks.

Daniel lead Lux to the top seats and directly in the middle. He smiled when he saw how excited she was. She was practically jumping out of her seat in glee.

"Calm down, hotshot. The previews haven't even started yet." The boy laughed.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't been to a movie theater in a long time." Lux lied. I haven't been to a movie theater ever.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize. It's cute to see you like this."

Daniel blushed at what he had said; he hadn't meant to say those words aloud. Of course, Lux was blushing even harder.

They sat in comfortable silence as the previews started rolling and inevitably the movie.

(I stopped here because I didn't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't watched it. This will continue after Maegan's part)
"Maegan?" a voice asked.

The girl put down her book and saw her mother standing in the doorway of her room.

"Yes, Mom?" Mae replied.

"Could you come down to the gardens? Ben and Mal have requested your presence."

Mae nodded and put down her book before following beside her mother downstairs.

Melody hadn't aged a day. She still had brown hair in soft waves, and her blue eyes shined brightly as ever. Of course, she dressed differently as she got older, trading tight, tight skinny jeans and t-shirts for dresses and skirts. And just in case you were wondering, Melcul is still going strong. (Let's face it, you were wondering that)

As they walked into the garden, they saw Mal and Ben walking hand-in-hand towards the gazebo that was in the middle of the garden.

When Mae and her mother had reached the gazebo, Mal and Ben had already sat down.

"What's up, Aunt Mal and Uncle Ben?" Mae asked, sitting down around from the couple.

"We would like for you to distract the Weaseltown boy." Ben stated and wrapped his arm around Mal.

The girl's eyes widened. "WHAT? Why me? Why can't Dracul do it?"

"Because he's already keeping the girl occupied. And also he's seems to have taken a liking to you."

"He annoys the hell out of me! Why must someone distract him anyway?"

"I feel that they are both getting impatient. They want to see Lux and Callen. We can't let them until we find a loophole."

"You know I would do anything for the cause, but I just can't deal with him. I would not be able to come out with my sanity intact."

"Maegan, honey, he won't let anyone else near him. Just you and his sister. We tried everyone else his age in this family, and he wouldn't associate with them. Please, Mae. We need you to do this." Mal pleaded.

Maegan thought about it. Maybe she could do it. Zane was going to leave as soon as they find a loophole. She would never see him again. It couldn't take that long to find a loophole.


"That was the best movie ever." Lux exclaimed as tears ran down her cheeks.

"You cried the entire movie." Daniel chuckled.

"It was flipping sad! How did you not cry?"

"Because I wasn't really watching the movie."

"What were you doing then?"

"Let's just say I had something even more beautiful to watch."

Lux didn't know what he meant by that so she said nothing. She wiped tear after tear as they fell from her eyes.

"Lux!" a voice said behind them.

She turned to see Carter and Callen walking towards them. Carter was, of course, bawling her eyes out.

The two emotional girls hugged as they cried.

Callen leaned over to Daniel and whispered, "Women."

"I'm in the mood for some ice cream." Carter announced and dragged Callen over to the Dippin' Dots that was ten feet away.

Daniel turned to Lux and asked, "You want anything?"

Lux shook her head. "I'll steal some of Callen's."

The boy nodded. "Are you okay now?"

"No, but I'm a little better. That movie has made me an emotional wreck."

He chuckled. I wish you were my emotional wreck.

Hey y'all! Did you have a good Christmas? I kinda did. I got really awesome presents and had a great time with my family, but I've had some personal problems this Christmas too.

Please go read my announcement on my message board if you haven't already.

QOTC: Who is your OTP of this book? (This book only, not any from the last book. That includes Bal and Melcul)

SOTC: Wrapped Around Your Finger by 5SOS (aka My Favorite Song At The Moment)

P.S. Don't be alarmed by the cover. It's not a mistake; I really loved this cover and decided to go with it.

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