Set It Off {16}

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*Again, this song goes with the chapter, wait for the signal*

Caution: Tears will be shed during this chapter

Chapter 16:
Back in Auradon, Ben had his arms wrapped around Mal.

Mal was cuddled into her husband's chest, tears falling down her pale cheeks. She couldn't believe it.

A couple minutes earlier, Clark Weaseltown had come in with a sly smirk on his face.

"Benjamin, I've heard that you have been plotting against me." the man accused.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked calmly.

"You're trying to get out of the contract."

"Who told you that?"

"Why, your father, of course."

That bastard. Ben thought.

"I'm here to let you know that if you try to break the contract, my army will invade Auradon and make your children marry mine."

"What army?"

"You really think I would come unprepared, Benjamin? Every villain on the Isle of the Lost has agreed to join forces with me to take this kingdom down."

Ben's eyes widened.

They had no chance of winning a war with the villains. The people of Auradon were peaceful and don't know anything about fighting. They wouldn't be able to take on villains.

"You scared now, King Benjamin? You really want to break that contract now?"

Clark cackled before leaving the room, slamming the door behind him. Ben looked over at his wife and saw her in a state of shock.

He walked over and pulled her into his arms. She cried into his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"We are going to get through this." he whispered in her ear.

"As a family." she whispered back.

"We have to go get our children."

She nodded and wiped the tears from her face. "Let's go."

They had failed, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

Zane was in his room contemplating what he was going to say to Maegan.

"Maegan, I love you, and I want you." He cringed. "That's too straight forward."

"Maegan, I'm sorry that I've irritated the hell out of you the past few weeks." He shook his head. "No, that's sounds stupid."

He sighed. "I'm just going to wing it."

He walked out the door and slipped his hands into his pockets. He headed down the hallway but stopped when he heard a voice. "Zane, my boy, I have great news!"

He turned around and saw his father hurrying towards him. He had the biggest smile on his face when he stopped in front of the blond boy.

"What is it, Father?" Zane asked, annoyed.

"You will be the king of Auradon in a week! You and Aluxandra shall be married in three days!"

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