Set It Off {7}

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Chapter 7:
"Hey Mae!" a voice yelled from down the hall.

Maegan groaned. "What do you want, Dracul?"

A body seemed to form beside her in the form of her annoying brother.

"I was wondering if you could be the subject of Sean and I's new experiment?"

"Yeah, no. Last time I did that, my hair got turned orange, and I couldn't feel my toes for a week." Mae complained.

"Yeah, but you helped science."

"But right now, I'm helping people."

Dracul finally realized there were people watching them. One being a beautiful girl.

"Hello." he breathed out.

The girl smiled. "Hello."

"I'm Dracul, Maegan's brother." he said and extended his hand.

She shook it. "Nice to meet you, Dracul. I'm Nicola and this is my brother, Zane."

"Douchebag." Maegan mumbled loud enough only for Dracul to hear.

He chuckles. 


He turned around to see Sean's little brother, Carlo.

"What's up, little bro?"

"Come play Call of Duty with me."

Maegan's eyes widened. She slapped her brother's arm. "You let him play COD? How did you even get ahold of that game?"

"Magic." He threw in some jazz hands for effect. He then turned back to Nicola. "And by the way, you grew up gorgeous."

He picked up Carlo and ran down the hall.

Maegan turned her attention back to Nicola and saw she was blushing.

"WE'RE PLAYING SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!" Lux yelled when they got in Callen's room.

The boys looked almost scared by the sudden yell.

"Get up you wimps." she sassed.

They stood up abruptly and pouted.

Lux patted Daniel's cheek. "Don't pout. It messes up your face."

"Who's going first?" Callen asked, not approving of his sister's flirting.

"I two." Lux shoved him and Carter into Callen's closet.

She shut the doors and gestured for Daniel to give her a chair. He did and she propped it against the door.

"I hate you so much right now, Aluxandra!" Callen shouted.

"Love you too!" she laughed.

"Your name is Aluxandra?" Daniel questioned.

"Yep, don't wear it out." sh replied and walked out of the room. "Want some cookies?"

"Obviously I want cookies."

They walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen. The purple-haired girl immediately went into the pantry and grabbed a thing of Oreos. And an extra item.

"Have you ever tried Oreos dipped in Nutella?" the girl asked.

Daniel shook his head. She smiled and dipped the cookie in the chocolatey heaven.

"It's a very gourmet delicacy."

He bit into it and instantly moaned.

Then of course from upstairs, they heard an actual moan.

QOTC: Ship names?

SOTC: Irresistible by Fall Out Boy

[Dracul Jr. is played by Uriah Shelton]

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