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Emily's POV
I think that Alison really likes me. This could actually go somewhere this will b the first real relationship that I've had since Paige. Me and Paige were in love but we broke my heart more then once and I don't want that again.
Alison: Em?
Emily: (breaks out of her thoughts) yeah
Alison: are you okay?
Emily: yeah I'm fine
Alison's POV:
Oh no I've screwed up she's bored this is not good I really like her and I just want her to like me. Woah did I just admit that I like more then a friend. I'm not gay no I have never been gay. Well except that one time when Anna kissed me in the library and then again in the gym but that's not the point I like Emily. But she doesn't like me.
Alison: if you bored we can leave
Emily: no I'm having fun I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here.
(They both lean in for a kiss but Alison steps back and walks back to the table)
Emily: oh my god I'm so sorry idk what I was thinking
Alison: no it's not you my stomach is hurting really bad.
Emily: are you okay?
Alison: yeah I think so I just need to go home
Emily: okay yeah I'll drive
Alison: okay
(Both get in the car and leave)
(Pulls in Alison's drive way)
Alison: thank you but you can go home now
Emily: no way I'm not leaving you by yourself
Alison: Em it's just a stomach ace I'll be fine
Emily: what if it's not just a stomach ace I'm staying wether you like it or not.
(Both go inside)
Emily: let me help you get ready for bed
Alison: It's okay I got it
Emily: are you sure?
Alison: yeah
(Alison goes to take a shower)
Emily's POV
Woah what a weird night I almost kissed Ali. So close only if her stomach didn't start to hurt. Does her stomach even really hurt? Was she lying so she didn't have to kiss me? No it has to be her stomach. It just has to be. I'll make a snack while she's in the shower so we can eat it when she gets out maybe it will make her stomach feel better.
(Alison walks out into to kitchen)
Emily: Ali are you feeling better
Alison: yeah a little I guess. You really don't have to stay I'll be fine
Emily: no I'm staying. I made some tea and there's a muffin there if you want
Alison: thanks
(They sit down and eat)
(It's a little awkward)
Emily: so Ali I have to ask
Alison: yeah?
Emily: did your stomach really hurt or did you just not want to kiss me?
Alison: (gives her an odd look) Em my stomach started hurting out of no where it had nothing to do with you. I really like you
Emily: are you sure?
Alison: I just said I really like you Em of course I'm sure
Emily: well then I really like you to
(They kiss)
Alison: Em I've liked since I saw you staring at me in the coffee shop
Emily: (looks embarrassed) you saw that
Alison: yeah
(Both laugh a little)
(Alison gets up and kisses Emily in the forehead and walks to her room)
      I really like this chapter. Yay they finally kissed oh and a little spoiler the stomach ace wasn't only a one time thing. I had to add Paige I hate her so much. But emison is finally emison yay!!!!!

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