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(It's 8:00am)
(Emily opens her eyes and sees that alison is still sleep and her arm is still around her)
(Alison wakes up and sees Emily staring at her they both smile)
Alison: good morning
Emily: morning
Alison: (moans in pain and holds her stomach)
Emily: your stomach is still hurting?
Alison: yeah but probably cramps I think I started my period
Emily: oh
Alison: yeah it's a little late it was supposed to start 4 days ago but oh well
Emily: okay
(Alison leaves to bathroom)
Emily: (yells to Ali in bathroom) I'm going to make some breakfast I'll be in the kitchen
Alison: (yells back) okay
(Emily walks down to kitchen and starts making breakfast)
(Alison comes down looking upset)
Emily: so did you start your period?
Alison: no
Emily: 5 days is it usually this late?
Alison: no
Emily: okay don't panic we will just go to the doctors
Alison: yeah the doctors
(They get in car and drive to doctors)
(They arrive at doctors)
Emily: okay we're here lets just go see the doctor
Alison: okay
(They walk in)
Emily: (talking to lady at front desk) hi I'm Emily and this is Alison she's been having stomach pains and her periods late we need to see a doctor
Lady at desk: okay have a seat the doctor will be right with you
Emily: okay thanks
(They sit and wait)
(15 mins later the doctor walks out)
Doctor: Alison DiLaurentis?
Alison: yeah that's me
Doctor: okay follow me
(They follow the doctor into the medical room)
Doctor: so you said you've been having stomach pains and your period is late is that right?
Alison: yes
Doctor: okay what kind of pains have you been having?
Alison: well sharp pains in the bottom of my stomach and I've been vomiting a lot
Doctor: (while writing everything down) okay and how late is your period?
Alison: 5 days
Doctor: okay so what we are going to do is we are going to do a autopsy and see if your pregnant
Alison: oh god
Emily: you'll be okay I promise ( holding alisons hand)
Alison: Emily thanks so much for being here
Emily: I wouldn't want be anywhere else
Doctor: okay if you could please lay down on the bed and spread your legs that would be great
Alison: (does what the doctor says)
(Emily is still holding alisons hand)
Doctor: okay you might feel a little pressure
Alison: (groans in pain)
Doctor: okay all done (gets up) I'll be back with your results in 20 mins
Alison: okay
(Doctor leaves)
Emily: wow
Alison: yeah. Emily you could leave you don't have to stay
Emily: are you kidding me I will be staying no matter what
Alison: you have to go home and pack
Emily: no I don't I will be here
(Alison smiles)
(They kiss)
(20 mins later the doctor comes back in)
Doctor: okay we have your test results
Alison: okay what do thy say?
Doctor: your test results say that
(Emilys face is curious)
(Alisons face is scared)
How many of you guys thought it was going to be because of this? The results will be told next chapter hope you all are enjoying the story Emison is forever endgame thanks to everyone for adding my story to your reading list❤️❤️❤️

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