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Emily's POV:
I woke up still sitting in front of the door my hair was stuck to my face from the tears and I could feel my dried up tears. I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I washed my face and my hair and I changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and my hair into a messy bun.

While I am brushing my teeth my phone rings. I walk into the living room to check to see who it is and it's the hospital. I don't why but for some reason I was kind of hoping it would be Ali no matter how mad I was at her I still loved her. I answer my phone and a doctor informs me that my mom can leave the hospital in two hours. I kindly reply okay thank you. I would go visit my mom and wait with her but I remembered what she did last night and I was irritated all over again.

I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast but when I opened the fridge there were no eggs and no milk there was also no bread. So I looked in the cabinet for some oatmeal but there was none of that either. So I decided to go grocery shopping. It would help pass time and it would get my mind off things.

I get to the grocery store and I began picking out some stuff I grab milk, eggs, bread, some yogurt, bananas, and a box of oatmeal. When I had everything I needed I went to the check out line. After I was finished checking out my groceries I walked out the store and was walking towards my car. I put all of my groceries into the car. There was a Starbucks next to the grocery store so I walked inside to get a coffee. Right when I walked in I heard a familiar voice saying "thank you" it was Alison. I tried to turn around quickly and walk out but she caught me before I could leave.

"Hey Emily!" Alison calls after me. I turn around and give a fake smile. I couldn't help but to notice she had two coffees. "Hey" I say really awkwardly. I didn't mean to be awkward it just kind of came out like that. "What are you doing?" Alison asks. "Oh I was just doing some grocery shopping and then I was going to pick up my mom from the hospital." I explain. I knew I should just come right out ad ask what she was doing with Ezra last night but we still hadn't put any labels on our relationship and I don't want her to think I'm some kind of weird freak. "Oh well I was actually on my way to your house." She tells me with a big smile. "My house?" I say confused. "Yeah well your moms house. I saw your car in the driveway so I assumed you stayed the night there and I wanted to bring you a coffee before I went over there." Well at least now I knew the coffee wasn't for Ezra. "Oh well you should come with me to the hospital to pick up my mom." I say very nicely. I know I should be really mad at her but something about her cute little smile made me a little less mad at her. "Okay sure" Alison says handing me one of the coffees and walking out the door towards my car. "Wait what about you car?" I ask her. "Oh yeah can we drive back to my place and then I get into your car from there?" She asks me with a smile. "Sure" I say and Alison gets into her car and I get into mines.

When we get back to Alison's place she switches from her car to mines. When she gets into my car she gives me a big smile and I return the favor. "So aren't you happy your mom is coming home today?" She asks me. "Yeah of course" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Hey em is there something wrong?" Alison ask me. "No nothing at all everything is fine." I answer her question. "Are you sure?" She asks. Should I tell her or should I just let it be? "Well there is something kind of bugging me." I tell her trying to ease my way into asking her what she was doing with Ezra. "What is it?" Alison ask me seeming to be very interested in what I have to say. "Well last night I went to get me and my mom some dinner from Taco Bell." Alison's face drops completely but she stays quiet so I continue. "And I saw you and Ezra in your car and then when I left the hospital and got to my moms place I saw you and Ezra get out of your car and you guys were laughing."

Alison sat quiet for a minute and she spoke. "Em Ezra asked me to meet him in the parking lot to talk he apologized for the way he acted the night he was drunk and he wanted to tell me that if I'm happy with you then he supports me." "Oh. Well what about when you guys got to your place?" I asked. "Well Ezra had a few drinks once again so I let him stay the night at my place and he was the only one laughing Em I promise I dropped him off earlier this morning." She explained everything and it all made sense, but now I felt really stupid for thinking anything different. "Oh okay I thought you guys might have been back together or something." I say and Alison looks at me and raises an eyebrow and then laughs a little. "Em me and Ezra are over and we are not getting back together he has that other girl and I'm not gonna cheat on my girlfriend. She says and then places her hand on my arm. When she said girlfriend my heart felt like it got ten times bigger and it was full of love for Alison.

We got to the hospital and Alison waits in the car while I get my mom. Me and my mom return five minutes later and we get in the car. I explained everything to my mom before we got into the car so she wouldn't have questions. "Hello Alison" my mom says. "Hi Mrs fields." Alison replies. "Hey do you guys want to go out to lunch or something?" I ask. "Sure" my mom says. "Yeah that sounds fun" Alison says after. So I drive us all to Olive Garden and we have lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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