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Doctor: your results came back negative you are not pregnant
Alison: oh thank god (looks at Emily and smiles)
Emily: (looks at Ali and kisses her)
Doctor: but these things do mistake sometimes so if your period does not come in the next week come back
Alison: okay
(Alison and Emily leave)
Alison: sorry to put you through that you could have been at home packing
Emily: oh no worries I kinda didn't  want to leave anyways
Alison: yeah I don't want you to go
Emily: (smiles an looks out window)
(They pull up to Emily's mom's house)
Emily: (sighs) well I guess I should get in there
Alison: yeah
Emily: (gets out of car and starts walking towards the front door)
Alison:(gets out of car) Em!!!!
Emily: (turns around)
Alison: you forgot your bag
Emily: oh okay thanks (takes her bag)
Alison: wait one more thing
(Alison kisses Emily)
Emily: I'm going to miss you
Alison: me too but you only live like 30 mins away I could come visit and we will see each other when you visit your mom
Emily: yeah
Alison: okay well bye Em
Emily: bye Ali
(They hug)
Emily:(turns always and walks into the house)
Alison: (leaves to her house)
Emily's POV
Ugh I wish I didn't have to leave today but I have to get home and get back to work I just hate that I have to leave Ali and I don't just want to see her once every 2 weeks and have to wait forever until I come and visit my mom again and I don't want my mom to feel like that's the only reason I come to see her now
Alisons POV
I really wish Em didn't have to go I just wish there was some way that she could stay and we can be together who knows when the next time I will actually have off I'm a lawyer for crying out loud they never have off
Emily: mom!!! Mom!!! I'm about to head out!!!
(No answer)
Emily: hello mom!!! Are you here mom!!
(Walks to moms room)
(Emily's mom is passed out on the floor)
Emily: oh my god mom!!!
(Goes over and leans over her mom shaking her)
Emily: mom!!! Wake up mom!!
(Pulls phone out of her pocket and dials 911)
911: 911 what's your emergency?
Emily: hi hello my mom is passed out on the floor and she isn't waking up I need help
911: okay what's your address?
Emily: fore ranch 86 maple street
911: okay the paramedics are on their way
Emily: okay thank you
(Emily sits there over her mom crying)
(Paramedics show up)
(Paramedics put Emily's mom on a stretcher and puts her in the ambulance)
(Alison comes running out in a robe)
Alison: oh my god what happened?
Emily: (sobbing and not being able to speak) I don't know she..... She just.... She just Emily hugs Alison and cry onto Ali's shoulder

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