Chapter 2

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I arrived at my locker to drop of my art stuff, remembering what had happened in art. I looked at my schedule and found out I had math next in room 27. I grabbed my textbook and headed off.

~Time Skip Cause of Laziness~

I entered the room to see it completely filled, except for one empty seat. A man walked over to me. I looked at his name tag that said 'Mr. Hartford' in black letters. Then the bell rang.

"You must be miss Mariia?" He asked me. Everyone looked in my direction.

"Just call me Mari." I whispered back.

"Okay Mari. You can sit next to that boy over there." He pointed over toward two boy who looked almost the same. There was an empty seat between them, so I sat between them. I looked to my right to see a boy with brown hair. He wore a brown shirt with a black vest over it, black pants, and what looked like black dress shoes. I looked to my left and saw a boy who look almost the same as the other guy. He had dirty blonde hair, a yellow shirt with black vest over it, black pants, and black dress shoes. The bell rang, and the boy in brown turned to look at me.

"Hello miss...Mari I think?"

"Yes," I whispered back.

"Okay, my name is Freddy, but call me Fred." He told me. I replied with a soft 'okay', then turned to look at the other boy.

"Hi, I'm Gabe," He said to me. "I'm Fred's twin brother. You said your name was Mari, right?" I nodded. "That's a cute name!" He smiled and winked at me.

I looked away, embarrassed, while also blushing. "That's not my name." I whispered.

"Well then," Freddy said. "What IS your name?"

"You don't need to know," I whispered back. "Just call me Mari." I blushed even more.

"You look cute when you blush!" Gabe added.

"I was going to say that, you butt!" Fred said, madly.

"Oh shut it!" Gabe said back.

I looked from Fred to Gabe, watching them fight I quickly copied the notes on the board, then took out my notebook and continued to draw my box/portal. I could hear Gabe and Fred, arguing about something. I couldn't really tell. I just ignored them and went back to my box. Earlier, Mr. Hartford said we could have the period to ourselves if we finished the notes, so I decided to draw. Both of the boys were getting loud, so I grabbed my things and moved to one of the walls to finished drawing.

I finally finished the box when there was a shadow leaning over my notebook. I looked up and a girl. She had white hair with pink highlights, a pink eye patch with a rose on it, a white shirt with a big pink rose on it, light pink leggings, and white Converses with light pink strings.

"Hello weirdo." She said with a smile on her face. "You look like a total loner!" I heard two chairs scoot out, so I started getting up. Luckily, the bell rang so I didn't have to break up another fight. I went back to my seat to grab my stuff and headed to my locker to drop them off before I went to lunch.


I grabbed my black lunchbox from inside of my book bag, and headed to the cafeteria. It was huge! I walked in the doorway and looked around.

Let's see...Ben wanted me to sit with him at lunch. Now where is he? I thought to myself. I kept looking, and I finally saw some of his purple jacket. I started walking toward him, his back against me. I then took a closer look. There were four other people sitting around him. I'm NOT sitting with other people! I shouted in my mind. I leaned my head down and walked past Ben, but it didn't work.

"Hey! Is that you Mari!" I turned around and looked Ben in the face. "Don't worry, take a seat." He gestured to a seat in front of him and I sat down. I looked around the table at the people sitting there. They were all the other people I had seen before! Rick, Fred, Gabe, and another girl I hadn't seen before. She had short blonde hair, a yellow t-shirt that hung over one of her shoulders, white leggings, and yellow and white Converses.

"Let me introduce you to everyone-" Ben said but got cut of by me.

"I've met everyone," I whispered. "Except for the girl."

"Well, hello" She said, waving at me. "I'm Cayla, with a C!"

"I'm Mariia, with two I's, but call me Mari."

"So that's your real name!" Both Fred and Gabe exclaimed at the same time.

"I see you two have met her." Rick said.

"I have math with them," I told him. "And I have art with Ben, and science with Rick."

"COOL!" Cayla exclaimed. "Let me see if we have any classes together!" I handed her my schedule. " I have language arts with you next period...none of the boys have your next class, Study Lab with you in sixth period...and we all have cooking last period! Well, Gabe won't be with us though." All of the boys 'hurrayed', except Gabe, and I started eating my lunch.

"Wait." I told her. "What about this period?"

"Oh have social studies with Gold." Cayla informed me.

"Who's 'Gold'?"

"It's me." Gabe said. I looked at him, and that nickname made sense, since he obviously likes the color gold or yellow or whatever.

I then continued to eat my lunch until something happened:

I felt something cold run down my head, but I just sat there, letting it start to run down my face.

"Oops!" I heard a perky voice said. "My bad! I slipped!"

"Shut it Cecelia!" Cayla shouted. "You did that on purpose! I saw it!"

"Calm down, Cayla." Fred said.

"Mari, are you okay?" Rick asked, putting a hand on my left shoulder. I shook his hand off and headed toward the farthest bathroom from the cafeteria. I could hear everyone yelling after me, but I ignored them all.

I arrived in the bathroom, but I grabbed my notebook from my locker then slouched down against the wall. I started drawing a circle, then what looked like a body. It was super a marionette or puppet. I went with it, and colored it in. But it was the face I had made that made me stop.

It was all white, except around the eyes and mouth, they were black. The mouth was like a wide black smile without lips or teeth. The cheeks were little red circles, and under the eyes...we're purple tear tracks.

It sort of looked like me.

I shut me notebook and for some reason started to cry. Cool wet tears, running down my face. I got up and looked in the mirror. Clear tears were running straight down my face, leaving sort of purple-ish marks on my cheeks. I just stared into the mirror, seeing how much I resembled my own drawing.

I then heard fast footsteps, so I tried rubbing of the purple, but it was super light, so I don't think the person would notice.

Cayla then stepped into the bathroom with me.

"Oh godness," she said while walking over to me. "Are you ok, Mari?"

"I'm fine, just needed a minute."

She giggled and I made a small smile. Cayla then looked at me.

"I'm sorry," she asked. "But why is there purple under your eyes? Do you wear makeup?"

"No," I told her. "It could be apart of a medical condition. That could explain why my eye color is black."

"Well, at least your alright. Come on, I'll help you clean up then we can show the boys your ok. They are freaking out. It's hilarious!"

I chuckled a little, and we started getting the chocolate milk out of my hair.


Hey Fanatics,

Sorry this one took so long, I had a birthday party to go to Saturday, and it ended so late. Plus I had to write chapter 10 for "Behind the Scenes" and it took a little while, I couldn't come up with any ideas, but there both done now, so enjoy!

See Ya Later,
- MysteriousKyrgy :)

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