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Next morning. I opened my window and saw ramon was waiting for me. And this causes me to think that i don't want to go to school. I opened my window and called out ramon saying " hey! What are you doing here? Am not goinh school because am not feeling well." Ramon just nodded and leave. Then i thought i just want to walk by myself cause thus time it will be awkward for both of us. As i got myself ready to go to school and arrived at school. I saw ramin and mimi walking the hallway and i just hide or go to the other direction. As class is going to start ramon was shocked to see me sitting on my chair he was going towards me when the teacher suddenly enters the room. As the class was starting ramon was doing crazy and noisy stuff to get my attention sometimes he calls my seatmate to call me and i just told them to ignore him. As the class ended i immidietly go out of the room and heared the ramon was following me that causes me to run. I said to myself why was i running is there something wrong with me? Then as i found myself a place to rest and think things out. I always thought of me getting mad to ramon cause i admiyyed myself that i was jealous very much. And by this am hurt of everything i've been through and seen. My heart is really hurt rightnow....

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