chapter10: what about me?

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It was already morning and i was still wide awake cause i can't stop thinking abiut ramin because.maybe his not alright for what i saw the other night. Then suddenly my phone vibrated and a message coming from ramon i immidiately opened and read it. "Raffy sorry for causing you all this pain i didn't really want to leave you but your right thia is for our families future. I thank you because you understand me and my situation don't you worry when i come back things will be okay. I'll be back just wait for me." Then another message follows "No matter what happens i will always be loving you raffy. I love you very much!. Reading this message made me cry and felt of missing ramon already. It was sept.11 its time for ramins flight we weny to the airport was holding tight on ramons hand the feeling of not letting go. Ramon was always looking at ne abd in irder to distract me he talk about corny jokes or make weird faces those moment made me smile and sad at the sametime cause i can't stop thingking that his going to leave me already this will be my last time seeing him i can't stand this anymore. Then suddenly ramon's flight was called ramon stoop up and i followed him ramon was giving his passport to the inspector and approves it as soon as ramon entered he always looks back and wave at me when i clearly didn't see ramon anymore. I felt that i was all alone i went out of the airport called a taxi and directly went home. As i got home i went to my room as i opened the light i was shock for what i saw there were flowers and petals on my bed and candles below my bed as i look up this is a word written " I love you." Beside the flower there was a letter and video tap. 2 video tape. As i watch the first video i t made me smile because that was the time we were doing cazy stuff together. And as i was gonna watch the 2nd video old picture appears and those were the time where we first met and on the last part i cried because ramon showed up and recording his self and i realize how much i miss him already...

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