IV. Dudley.

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Dudley heard back from Harry three days later. For quite a while he stared down at the yellowing parchment in his hands almost as if he was paralysed. He really didn't know what to think because he was still battling his innermost thoughts with his conscious over everything. It had been getting drummed into him for seventeen years that he should not associate himself with Harry's lot as Vernon and Petunia would say, but deep down he knew it was the right thing to do. So he tore the deep red wax seal open and pulled the letter out of its envelope. Felicity had gone to work that day but she had asked Dudley to tell her if they did meet up and to tell her how it went once she got home.

He had woken up earlier than normal to finish all of his work for the day in case he heard back from Harry the previous three days. He knew that if he did have work to do that he would put it first instead of going to meet Harry. So, he had to make sure there weren't any distractions that might change his mind.

The letter was rather short but Dudley didn't care, this was twenty years of a mix of bad parenting, isolation and favouritism coming to an end. He had still not told his parents that he was back in contact with Harry again but he knew he would have to come clean eventually. He wasn't exactly sure what he was so scared about to be totally honest. On one side he was terrified of gaining a normal cousin relationship with Harry and being disowned by his parents, on the other side he was scared he would lose his one chance to prove that he was not the same boy who cried every time he didn't get enough food or more presents than he did the year before.

He hated how spoiled that he was when he was young but he couldn't really help it because it was all he had ever known. It was only when himself and Felicity signed a lease that Dudley had a harsh reality check money wise. The pair of them both found part time jobs whilst juggling school in between their time spent together and it was only then that he realised what was most important in life. It still scared him that he probably wouldn't have had such a change of heart if the war in Harry's world didn't happen. He still didn't know why Harry didn't seem to hate him after everything and he certainly didn't know how the war started or ended. He remembered one of Harry's first letters which said that it was because of him that the first war ended and because of him that the second war ended as well. How could a one-year-old baby stop a war? What were the chances of that same baby ending another war sixteen years later?

Perhaps this was why he was so nervous because he knew that Harry would have had to kill people, but it was for a very good cause. Harry was obviously a whole lot better than him personality wise and he knew he was extremely selfless- which he himself wasn't. The only person he would ever be really selfless for would be Felicity.

If that is ok with you Dudley, then say around 1pm at the café you mentioned then on Wednesday?


Dudley sucked in a sharp breath and kept re-reading the single line of words that was scribbled in navy blue ink in his cousin's characteristic messy handwriting. He checked the clock in his living room seen as he was currently sitting on the couch with the television on in the background. He wasn't watching it, but he kept it on for a distraction from his numerous conflicting thoughts. It was Wednesday today and it was almost noon which gave him just enough time to get ready and make his way there. He walked upstairs and pulled out some plain black jeans and a white t shirt, not wanting to overdress in his work suits. He pulled on a dark brown coat before beginning his walk.

He could have driven, but it was only a half hour walk and it was a nice day outside. He also wanted to try and make sense of the giant puzzle that was his mind right now. He didn't even know what to ask Harry exactly. There were so many different questions lingering in his mind. Harry's personal life, what his school was like, what his world was like, the war. The list went on and on and Dudley didn't have a single clue where to even begin.

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