XX. Motherhood.

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Two weeks later and Felicity's nightmare was not forgotten. Dudley had advised her to try and convince herself that it was only her imagination but that wasn't possible because Harry had pulled her aside on their last meeting and asked her if the dream was reoccurring. That was why she wasn't forgetting it easily, because it was reoccurring. She didn't have it every night but she had it up to four times every week and each time it only got more and more vivid and it terrified her. There isn't much that scared Felicity to the point that the fear essentially haunts her but this dream was not allowing her to forget about it.

The dream in itself was already terrifying enough but it only terrified her more that Harry was asking what was happening in it and if anything ever changed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling that it meant something. Especially with that prophecy on her husband's head now- it was too big of a coincidence for Felicity. Over the last few days too, she had woken up quite sick and had been forced to take a week off from her work. It wasn't the best option for her because it meant that she constantly had her own thoughts running through her and not having clients to keep her mind off of her personal life.

She very rarely gets sick but when she does she really gets sick. A headache had been annoying her and no amount of paracetamol was helping her in the slightest. Her stomach was turning at even the thought of food she usually loves and even had to run to the bathroom to vomit after eating a slice of toast one morning. Something wasn't right with her which was why she had made an appointment with her doctor to see if there was anything for her to worry about going on. She felt really malnourished seen as she had barely ate the last few days and her headaches were only making it a whole lot worse.

Nerves bubbled up inside of her once she entered the local hospital since she absolutely hates them. The last time she was anywhere near one was when her grandmother took a stroke which was three years ago. That strong antiseptic smell and the thought knowing that millions of people have died here doing nothing to soothe her. There seemed to be an invisible weight on her chest which was slowly crushing her and she closed her eyes occasionally and took deep breaths to stop her fear from getting worse. She wasn't necessarily scared of hospitals- she just absolutely hated them. Her greatest fear is knowing something is going on yet not knowing what exactly it is that is going on.

Not once had Felicity ever had a dream that was reoccurring which in itself was a strange thing. Never has she had a dream that slowly got more and more graphic every time she had it. The last time she had gotten a word carved into her forearm- muggle. She didn't take offense to the word because it is what she is and she cannot help that but she took offense at being treated differently because of it. So what she didn't possess the power of magic, there is more to life than being able to cast a spell. Equality matters a lot to her but it was ingrained into her mind from a very young age. Ever since she was old enough to know that her aunt Hestia was a witch herself actually.

That was one reason why she was so scared but there was something else and she had a possible theory in the back of her mind. She never got grossed out at the thought of food yet over the last few days she had been. Headaches was something she never really tended to get either which was also a bit odd in her eyes. On top of that she had noticed that her stomach appeared a tiny bit rounder than usual. It didn't look like anything to worry about- just a little bloating but she couldn't shake her gut feeling. Felicity very rarely got gut feelings but when she did they turned out to be right which was why she was so scared concerning this feeling she had over this dream she kept having meaning something more than a simple dream.

The petite woman crossed her legs whilst she waited, annoyed that she had not brought something with her to keep her occupied and all the magazines that were available to read were all old. Then again, she's never liked reading magazines. She likes the occasional gossip like the majority of people but something about them being in print didn't ring truth for her and she didn't like reading lies. She prefers to hear it come from the horse's mouth and not from spectators because people always like to exaggerate problems which aren't even problems to begin with.

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