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Dudley had no idea what he was expecting. When Harry told him of his plan to cause a massive distraction, he was anything but hopeful. He knows how smart Kyra is, she wouldn't fall for something as simple as a distraction? By now, he was almost completely certain he wasn't going to see Felicity ever again. He just seemed to be ignoring everything as each day passed, trying to push everything to the back of his head. Maybe if he ignored it for long enough, he might be able to convince himself it wasn't happening.

But when Harry left to help with the others, he couldn't do that. Worry eating him up from the inside out, nerves running wild throughout his body like an animal, and his heart hammering so hard it may as well be a drum. He had barely slept the last few days, and he had not showed up to work. He'd received one too many calls and texts from his colleagues asking about his whereabouts. He didn't reply to one. He knew people were worried about him, but he was worried for himself, his wife, and his child.

He never thought that a year ago he would've been in this situation. It had been a year now since Harry had first reached out. He remembers how startled his then fiancé had been at seeing an owl fly into their home with a letter attached to its leg. It brought a tiny smile to his face. He remembers how terrified he had been as he walked to that small café to meet him face-to-face for the first time in four years. At the time, it had seemed to go incredibly slow. It took them weeks before they were even talking amicably with one another. Even now they aren't that close, but any kind of relationship is better than what it had been for sixteen years.

Dudley doesn't remember the first time he started thinking for himself and not what he was brainwashed to believe. Was it when they were attacked by the Dementors? Or had it been some other time he had forgotten about? That was the one thing keeping him somewhat sane currently. Reminiscing on memories, as the present was too much for him to handle. He was waiting on an update, but none were coming. It had been around three hours now, which isn't that long but given the situation, it felt like an eternity.

The chances of receiving the news she had been found dead was high. They all knew it was a waiting game. Had Kyra gotten what she wanted with Felicity? The woman was not stupid enough to throw her away because she could easily be used as leverage. Harry has been wanted by lots of people literally since he was a baby. It's just that more people wanted him safe. That was the reason why he had been sent to live with them when James and Lily were murdered. Nobody knew apart from those under the roof how he was treated. It was a few days ago that he realised with a start he had long since forgiven himself for his actions. What could he feel guilt over? It was what he was taught to behave like. He never knew any different.

He bit his lip and eyed their pet Pygmy Puff which was sulking on the fireplace. The first couple of days he had been hopping around and making his annoying chirping noises, but the last few he had barely made a peep. As for their owl, he hadn't seen him in a couple of days either. He'd let it out to hunt, but he had not come back yet. He eyed the clock, watching as the hand marked the seventh hour since they had all left. As the time went on, he was both getting more nervous and losing more hope than he dared admit. He didn't hear it at first, the quiet singing of the phone. But as soon as the noise registered, he pulled himself off the couch and grabbed it. He assumed it would be a colleague from work.

"I'm not coming in today- "

He was cut off by a hoarse voice, but it was one he recognised. His eyes widened, and his heartbeat sped up again.

"Dudley, oh my god. You're ok."

It had to be a trap. Another one of Kyra's brilliant plans. A way to trick him to get him as well, in a turn making it simpler to get to Harry. But he didn't think this for long. It was Felicity. He had not heard her voice in what seemed like forever when it hadn't even been a fortnight.

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