XXIII. Family Relations.

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A lot of people do not realise- but a witch or wizards animagus form is tied strongly to their respective patronus. It is a part of them, a piece of their soul. They may take on different forms but they will essentially belong to the same family. An example would be a person having a wolf as a patronus yet their animagus form would perhaps be something silly like a Chihuahua. Both belong to the canine family and therefore share very similar characteristics. Usually the patronus is the stronger form of the pair considering it is a perfect representation of someone's soul whereas the other is not. Therefore, the strengths vary as a result of this. This was partially why her followers stepped back in fear considering her patronus was decidedly different to every other one. There are very few cases in the wizarding world in which a patronus takes on an extinct creature and Kyra belonged in this section. Hers was a sabre-toothed tiger.

This could also possibly be why her animagus was also a very large cat. She's a strong woman, nobody can deny that and she knows how to play it to her advantage. After all, she has had plenty of experience in dealing with a lot of truly disgusting things even if she was not involved in the thicket of everything. Just over a hundred deatheater's escaped with her help along with Rodolphus'. It was giving plenty of people who worked within the Ministry a lot of work and it was also causing everyone else to cower in terror in case history would repeat itself. Kyra smiled to herself as she walked, her chunky leather heels clicking loudly on the wood. It was quite simple really, getting her out of the mansion. All she had to do was to drink some polyjuice potion and pretend to be Andromeda only to capture her. It was still a bit cramped with so many people living under the roof of the giant house but it was a lot better than anything else.

She chuckled a little to herself as she reached her hand up to touch the black material that was fastened around her neck. They weren't made to be worn at all because they made a person rotten to the core- but she was already rotten through to the seed and the chances were it wouldn't tamper with her already psychotic mind. She remembered the way that Narcissa's face had recoiled into one of horror at realising where the choker had gone- who owned it. She knew deep down right then, that her plan had failed. It was already pretty much a disaster from the beginning but it was all she could think of at the time.

"Dear Kyra, don't you yourself have a muggle in your family line?"

She stopped what she was doing right there, anger flaring up inside of her like fire touching dry wood. Burning up to the point that it could have been physically painful but she did not show this. Her eyes had narrowed intensely as she looked directly at Stan, silently challenging him. At first he appeared to be considering doing so but he eventually faltered under her furious glare and glanced to the food that was on his plate. She continued to glare at him for a few moments before glancing to her few trusted companions, with her lover by her side of course. He was running one of his hands over her leg and squeezing the skin ever so softly as he could tell that she was still seething.

"Yes, I do have a muggle in the bloodline. She is not a past relative of mine though- she is a relative through that nasty piece of work Hestia. Should have dealt with her years ago like I had initially planned. I do not even know the girls name never mind anything else about her so we will leave it at that."

A small rumble of chatter erupted with the other deatheater's, they all seemed to find it difficult to comprehend that their trusted leader had one of them in her family. To them, magic was the way to go and pure blood was the way to go. Anything less than that even if it is a very distant relative from over a hundred years ago who was not magic was seen as nothing but vermin. Kyra discussed her plans with them all, some nodding in understanding as to where her plan was going. There was a bit of a collective hush however when she confirmed what was to them considered only a rumour.

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