V. Felicity.

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Pictures of the dresses are in the multimedia.

The next two weeks went by extremely quickly to everyone. Dudley could have sworn that it had only been a couple of days since he received the first letter, but it was almost a month ago that it came. One month. It wasn't a long time but it felt like a long time. He had learned so much about Harry in the last month that it kind of felt like he had really known him for years. When he tried to explain this to Felicity she had simply stated that he had known Harry for sixteen years of his life. She quietened down however when Dudley explained what he really meant. Of course she didn't say it to be harsh; she just said it because she was trying to understand her fiancé's mind in its frazzled state.

Dudley had met up with Harry twice since the first time. It was still almost just as awkward every time for a good few minutes but as soon as the two cousins began talking, the tension disappeared. It was getting less prominent each time and none of them failed to notice this. It unnerved them a little but for different reasons. Dudley still pretty much had Devils and angels on either shoulder. On one side his brain was making him think that it was still ridiculous but the opposite side was telling him to not give up. He was glad he listened more to the latter.

It was difficult for him. He was willingly subjecting himself to a whole other part of the world that is hidden to the majority of people. When the cousins weren't meeting up they were still communicating through letters as often as they could. Well, actually they communicated as often as the owl could carry the others reply to something. The last time they had met up Harry confirmed that himself and Ginny lived in a small town about a three-hour drive away. Dudley figured it would take the domesticated wild animal a while to fly between their respective homes.

Dudley was currently lying on the Super King sized bed that he and Felicity shared. This was something he had put his foot down on despite Felicity's embarrassment as to why. She had a dreadful habit of stealing the covers and constantly fidgeting throughout the night and it drove Dudley insane. So they paid a rather large sum of money that was in the four-digit region that suited them both. The short blonde was currently curled up into his front, her face tucked underneath his chin. Her hair tickled him but he didn't say anything because he knew she was comfortable.

She wasn't exactly sleeping, but she wasn't fully awake either. After a few minutes he carefully slid out of the large bed so as not to disturb the woman he loved from her half asleep state. He had set his alarm ten minutes earlier to try and make her day better. He had to go into work today and his shift was going to be at least eleven hours long. He wasn't going to complain however because he knows people who would jump at the chance to work that amount of time because they usually had to work longer. It was a perk being his own boss, deciding when he could and couldn't go in to the busy centre of London to sit in a cold office all day.

Felicity had a bit more to do today though. Today was her dress fitting and much to Dudley's annoyance she was refusing to let him see the two dresses she was struggling to choose from. Yes, it was tradition but it still annoyed him. By the time he had walked into their large kitchen he was wide awake. He figured he may as well do something nice for her whilst she was completely oblivious two floors up. Knowing that she loved unhealthy food, he got out some bacon, sausages, eggs and bread. He mixed the eggs with a little milk, cinnamon, onions and pepper before coating the bread in the mix and transferring it to the frying pan. French toast. It was her favourite breakfast food.

He wouldn't lie by saying that the cinnamon part grossed him out when he first heard her say that, but he had changed his mind almost instantly when he first tasted it. Once six slices had been cooked, he fried the sausages until they were sizzling lightly whilst doing the bacon in another pan until it was almost solid as she preferred it crunchy and slightly burnt. He smiled lightly to himself at hearing soft footfalls on the stairs which told him she had decided to get out of the warm and comfy bed. Almost instantly her eyes landed on the plate of food that lay on the dining table and a couple of seconds later she was digging in to the very unhealthy meal.

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