XXIX. Uprising.

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For a very long time, Felicity would have agreed that there was no way in which physical pain could outweigh psychological pain. The latter may not have genuine hurt in it, but it always leaves a larger and longer lasting bruise. Any kind of physical injury a lot of the time, can be healed in either a few minutes or a few months. The other cannot, lies dormant within someone's mind until it is too much to handle and a breakdown is caused. At least, this was what she always assumed.

It had been four days. Four days since she had been captured. She was still chained up to the wall and twice a day, food was delivered through a latch of some kind at the bottom of the door. If only there was some way for her to break the chains. Then again, where would she go? She had no idea where she was, she could be in a whole other country for all she knows. There was only one thing that she did know for certain, there was no way for her to contact people she cared deeply for. She knew that this dark side of her family tree were very much prejudiced towards anyone who wasn't a pure-blood wizard or witch.

By simple logic, this meant that phones would not exist. If somehow, she did manage to escape, she was immediately at a disadvantage due to three things. The first being that she didn't know her way around this building she was in. The second was that she was vastly outnumbered by people who could kill her with two simple words. The third being that she was now nearing her sixth month of pregnancy. Had it really been that long? It seemed like it had only been a matter of days when she found out.

She had no choice but to remain where she was. Her first day locked up, nothing really happened. Once Kyra had walked into the room, the older woman had just stood there staring at her. Occasionally curling her hip-length hair around her fingers which made her look innocent. Other times she would be running her fingers along her neck. At first, she didn't notice anything weird, but after a few minutes she spotted a specific item of jewellery. A choker. It was at least an inch thick, woven together tightly and had what appeared to be a gold trimming around the edge.

This set her off. If there was one thing Felicity knew for certain, it was that Kyra desperately wanted it for herself, and she had it. How she had gotten it, she may never know. This confirmed her suspicions. She was always a few more steps ahead, created a maze where every escape route suddenly closed off. It was obvious there was no way she was escaping this. She had to let things run its course before anyone else gets hurt.

Her second day there, Kyra didn't make an appearance. In fact, nobody made an appearance. Despite this, she couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching her with something. It was possible, she wasn't going to out rule this theory. Because of this feeling, she refused to let her tears spill, despite her eyes stinging. The food that she was given wasn't anything special. A slice of bread, a small block of cheese, a cup of water. The only reason this was happening was clear to her. Kyra wanted her for something, and that was why she had targeted her.

Was it because of their blood relation? Was she going to kill her to try and wipe out her 'diseased' family as she would probably put it? There simply wasn't a way to tell. She was terrified, to put it lightly. How could she not be? She'd been taken against her will by wizards and witches whom she had no defence mechanism against. She couldn't fight in her current state, and the little she consumed was just enough to keep her alive. That gave her some comfort, knowing that this wouldn't happen if they wanted to kill her. At least not now.

It wasn't much of a comfort, but a few more days meant a lot to her. Occasionally, she would feel a light kick to her stomach which would cause her to stare down at her growing bump and smile. If her daughter makes it out alive, she would be alright. She'd barely thought of Dudley, knowing that if she did, she would start crying. And weakness was an emotion she did not want to show. If she remains strong, it might give her some form of advantage.

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