XXI. Chaos.

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A dark corridor seemingly leading no nowhere. A stale stench of mould and damp entering her nostrils as she walked. Hair flowing behind her as the wind entered the windows and blew down the corridor. Many empty cells on both sides of her as she strolled yet she never held any kind of conversation with who resided in them. Numerous creatures floating inches off of the ground and seemingly sucking a part out of the people who were left to rot and disappearing inside of a thick black cloak that never showed their true features. Yet for some reason she herself was not scared of them nor was she even acknowledged and for one sole reason.

Dementors may be smart creatures but there is one major fault they have- they cannot feed off of animals which gave certain people an advantage if they knew this single fault. No matter how well thought out a situation is there will always be a fault within the system that is constantly overlooked and the price of this can be very costly indeed. It might not seem like much at the time of planning but when that time does arrive there is no way to avoid it. It may not seem like much, a serval cat padding its way along the corridor as if it were simply strolling in search for possible prey to hunt down.

However, this was in the middle of the ocean, there was no way to arrive at the large triangular shaped building without apparating. The cat in question continued its stroll and watching as the foul creatures floated around and continued to feed off of the finite amount of positive energy from the prisoners. A huge weight seemed to follow people who ever visited Azkaban, that horrid sensation of complete terror all triggered simply from watching the prisoners cower in terror. It is most definitely inhumane- forcing people to relive their worst moments in life simply as punishment. Not many people see this but those who do are almost never vocal on the matter.

Suddenly, the cat stopped in its tracks and slithered in between the bars to seemingly visit a man locked there. His hair was long past his shoulders and was matted to the point that it could easily turn into dreadlocks. His clothes covered in sweat from not being cleaned and dirt covering his face that he was almost unrecognisable apart from a single scar on his neck that very few people knew about. Their marriage was tumultuous- that much was known to pretty much everyone. But deep down Rodolphus and Bellatrix did love each other to an extent, just not in the typical husband and wife way. Both weren't exactly discrete in their separate affairs but still they didn't seem to bother with it. They just simply respected that each other needed space away and to them space away meant having a relationship with someone out of wedlock.

Rodolphus was a lot more careful with his explorations and Bellatrix was to an extent if it weren't for her constantly being glued to Tom's side a bit like a puppy following its mother around. No matter how much he told her to play it down she never did and this was what exposed the true nature to their marriage. The cat walked over to his feet and tilted its head a little in a fond manner before switching back to its true nature.

Where the cat was a split second before, now stood a tall woman. She was easily at least five foot ten inches tall and she was even taller thanks to her heeled leather boots. Hair falling down to her hips in intricate braids and a deep midnight colour which contrasted immensely against her snow white skin. Lips painted in such a deep shade of purple it appeared black and eyes heavily lined and causing her obsidian iris' to pop out of her head almost. Slender waist and delicate curves covered with a black cloak which fell to her feet and numerous pieces of silver jewellery adorning her wrists, neck, fingers, and ears.

"I was starting to think you'd not follow the plan, Kyra."

The woman cocked her head to the side and let a smile fall onto her lips before she seductively began twirling a piece of her hair around her finger and sticking her tongue just a little outside of her mouth as if she were only dampening the skin. She walked over to him as he stood up as much as his chains would allow him and a daring glint formed into his own eyes. Kyra reached into her cloak and removed something from a pocket inside (or so Rodolphus presumed) to remove a single item of jewellery that seemed more of a decorative ornament than it did an item of beauty. She made sure not to touch it because she knew what happened whenever a horcrux was touched.

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