Untitled Part 16

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"Anna? I know its difficult losing someone you were close to but-"

"Save it. Do I look like I'm in the mood to talk?"

"Sorry Love, I just thought you needed some comforting."

"Yeah? Well I don't. Now can we just get back to my place please?"

"Okay." For the rest of the journey there was silence, I can't say I don't feel bad about lashing out at Klaus it's just, I'm not at a place where I can essentially have a breakdown. We pulled up outside my house, unlocked and entered it.

"I'm going to go take a shower, make yourself at home." I mumbled through slightly quivering lips. Receiving a nod from Klaus I ventured upstairs, grabbed my towel and began to shower. It felt great to be clean after god knows how long feeling groggy. After about half an hour I stepped you wrapped my towel around me and proceeded to my bedroom. After a short while of blow drying my hair, my phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Anna? Sweetie it's me, Mum."

"Hi Mum, how are you? How is everyone? Sorry I haven't called I was meant to after I had settled in here." I'm so happy to hear her voice after a month or so. "How's Grandad? How is his treatment going?"

"Oh, that's the thing sweetie... He-"Her voice began to crack. "He passed away this morning, they said there was nothing they could do. That they treated him as much as they could but all it did was extend our time with him for 6 months or so."

"No... No they could have done more, they could have saved him, CURED him but they didn't want to. I bet he was just some old guy who was going to die anyway but to stop us complaining, put him on the treatment even though it would help FUCK ALL!" I screamed throwing my phone at the wall, breaking down in tears.

*Klaus' P.O.V.*

I heard a scream then a simultaneous crack and thud. As quickly as I could I ran to Anna. There I saw a broken soul knelt there sobbing uncontrollably. Sodden. I knelt beside her, cradling the girl as she wept.

"There, there Love." I began to sway side to side, trying to calm her down. "What is it?"

"I- it's my Grandfather, he passed away this morning." She stammered.

"Oh...well what did they say?"

"Apparently, there was nothing they could do but I know that's horseshit.

"Its okay, Love. He's in a better placed now."

"How would you know you have lived hundreds of years...? You caused death but never experienced it." I screamed. "Klaus, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I was just-"

"You why you are feeling like the world is ending right now?" I asked infuriated.

"If I ask you I'm afraid to know the answer." She froze dead in my arms, I think she already knows.

"Right, you said you recognised Bonnie?"

"Really, trying to change the subject... Smooth move Romeo." I sniffled.

"It's the best way to calm someone down."

"Well yeah but why Bonnie."

"No reason just wondering, I was just-"The doorbell cut me off mid-sentence.

*Anna's P.O.V.*

The doorbell rang, cutting off Klaus whilst in the middle of his sentence.

"I'll be right back." I muttered before fixing my towel and heading downstairs. "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I don't think that's a nice way too great a friend. And to great them in a towel?"

"What?" Being the idiot I am, it never occurred to me to actually look at the visitor. "Oh God.... the towel."

"Did I interrupt something? Are you okay?" Why must he go into protective mode?

"Oh... Yeah, I guess. I'll call Ally."

"No there's no need came to see how you are doing."

"What do you mean?" I gazed at him bemused.

"I heard."

"You heard... what?"

"About your Grandfather." And there go the waterworks again. I broke down again and clutched to him like my life depended on it. "Hey, hey shhhh. Its okay." He stroked my hair as I sobbed into his chest with my arms wrapped around him.

"Is everything alright down here?"

*A/N I am currently in the process of rewriting this because I have made changes throughout the story so most of it is unlikely to make sense thank you Amy*

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