Chapter 4

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I woke up in a strange place, and by strange I mean somewhere I don't recognise, I was in a four-post bed with covers over me. I rolled over to get a better look at my surroundings and a bed side cabinet had a note on it.

'Morning, I trust you slept well. There is a bag on the dresser with a dress and other clothes in for you. My apologies for my brother's actions. Feel free to take a look around will be back around noon. Klaus.' I have barely known this guy ten minutes and he is giving stuff?? I need to talk to him properly. I climbed out of bed and walked over to the bag, there was matching bra and pants in a bag on the top and a...

"JESUS CHRIST KLAUS! WHERE THE HELL IS THIS FROM?" I shouted knowing full well he wouldn't hear. I changed into everything and found another note under the bag.

Wait why am I stood here wondering about the dress.... How did he get my bra size?

'There is a charity event at the Lockwood mansion, care to accompany me? Look in the bottom drawer of this dresser and pick ones to match.' What the hell? I looked in the drawer and these are the prettiest shoes I have ever seen! I spent about five minutes browsing the shoes before I picked a pair of black 6" heels that had a platform on the front, could have picked any pair they were all my size. I got dressed into the undies, dress (with difficulty) and shoes and carefully made my way downstairs. About half way down the staircase I tripped and fell down the other half. Still wondering about the bra... how does this guy know my sizing? This is getting creepy.

"Damn it... Can I ever do anything right?" I said to myself. Like always I stood up like nothing had happened and took a look around. I waltzed into the kitchen and glanced at the clock.

"Its... 11:52 he should be back soon. Then he can explain why I have to wear this and pick shoes and what this charity ball is all about." I tapped the counter, sighed and dawdled into the living. Are you kidding me? Ally is still passed out from last night... Wait a minute though, to be fair she did pass out around 2 in the morning and she has been asleep... or unconscious or about 10ish hours. She looks so peaceful, TIME TO RUIN IT!

"HEY ALLY GET YO ASS UP!!!!" I shouted causing her to jump up, wince in pain and clutch her head.

"Ow! Can you not. My head is ki- wow." She gawked at me and scrambled to her feet.

"What?" She gestured to the dress I was wearing. "Oh this? Klaus said I should wear it for a charity event or something."

"Mhmm... You know he likes you." How can she stand there looking like death warmed up crossed with a smug...? I don't know something smug.

"Yeeeeaaaah he doesn't, he was just being nice."

"Need I ask?"

"I don't know, maybe I had this weird dream. Kol was um... Yeah and Klaus came in and told him to stop so Kol bit me and I passed out on Klaus and he made me drink this weird stuff. And I woke up like 20 minutes ago." Ally opened her mouth to speak and a noise came from the front door, so we went to investigate. Klaus and Kol came home and went straight to the kitchen. They weren't at the door by time we got there so we walked into the kitchen.

"Kol like I said you shouldn't have bitten her."

"Hey guys." Ally walked in to the kitchen. I followed her.

"Hey Klaus, Kol." I muttered as I stepped into the room.

"Hello Love, I knew that you look nice on you." Klaus winked causing me to blush uncontrollably.

"Yeah about that, care to explain?"

"Alright. Every so often the mayor hosts a charity ball, Kol, Rebekah and I are due to host the next one, and everyone should bring a date. I thought it would be nice if you accompanied me 1. Because you are new here and you need introducing to everyone and 2. Because I asked you. You have no say in the matter." He grinned. I have a feeling I should be expecting this often.

(For Anna's Founders' Ball outfit, follow this link )

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