Chapter 1

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"Dad, you better not be kidding around." Jenna had just walked in from a long day at school. "I'm not kidding Jenna. My boss gave me tickets for the show tonight." He handed her two tickets for section 218. Jenna scanned them thoroughly before looking up, a huge grin on her face. "Oh my god dad! John Cena is going to be there!" Her dad nodded, and she took off up the stairs, screaming. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I'm going to pick out my outfit." She hollered down the stairs. Her dad just shook his head and chuckled. "We're leaving at 6 o'clock, so be ready."

At 6:30, Jenna and her father walked into the arena and found their seats. They went out and Jenna's dad got soda's from the concession stand while Jenna stood in line at the merchandise stand. "What can I get you, honey?" the lady asked her. She scanned the rows of t-shirts before pointing one out. "I'll get the black John Cena one, please?" She pulled a black 'Hustle Loyalty Respect' woman's shirt from the cupboard below. "That'll be $38.50." Jenna handed over the money, and the lady handed her back a bag with her shirt inside. "Enjoy the show." "Thank you." Jenna giggled. She quickly ripped the shirt out of the bag, and ran to the woman's washroom and changed. At 7 o'clock, the bell rang for the start of the show. Jenna ran back and sat down next to her father. They were sitting right at the end of the aisle.

All throughout the show, Jenna would holler and scream for all her favourites. She loved Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and The Bella Twins. Soon, it was time for the main event to begin. The special announcer for the match, Edge, stepped into the ring. The crowd went crazy while he introduced the team of Daniel Bryan, Kane, and John Cena. When John's music hit, Jenna stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring what anyone thought. He came running down the ramp, and slid into the ring, and Team Hell NO climbed into the ring.

Just then, she heard very familiar music start to play. "Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield!" This is the match she'd been most excited about, and the one she dreaded. She loved John Cena, but she was also a huge fan of the Shield! It was so hard for her to choose who to cheer for.

As the Shield made their way down to the ring, they stopped in their tracks. One member of the group, Dean Ambrose held a microphone in his hand, and the crowd booed. He held it up to his lips, and began to speak. "We don't care if you boo us." he hissed. The crowd booed ever louder. They slowly made their way closer to her. All Jenna could feel was butterflies in her stomach. He handed the microphone to Seth Rollins. "Sorry to disappoint you people, but we won't be competing tonight." The crowd booed once more. "We're not going to compete until we get what we rightfully deserve, and that's a title shot!" John Cena quickly grabbed the microphone from Edge. "You want title shots?" he repeated. The Shield nodded in agreement. "Well, why don't you get in the ring and beat us, then maybe, just maybe you can get a title shot." The crowd cheered when the Shield continued down towards the ring. They hopped over the guard rail, climbed onto the apron, and the referee rung the bell.

John Cena and Team Hell NO ended up winning the match by disqualification. The Shield took out Kane early in the match, then they used their numbers advantage to gang up on Cena at the end. They kicked at him on the ground, then they all lifted him up, and hit him with their finishing move. "We make an impact, and get nothing." Ambrose screaming into the microphone. He stood over Cena's limp body lying in the middle of the ring. "We expect to get our title shots soon."

The crowd booed as they headed back over the barricade and through the crowd. On their way, they stopped next to Jenna's row. Ambrose faced back towards the ring once again. "And just to make sure that we get what we want.." he said, slyly. Suddenly, the lights went off, and Jenna felt a tug on her wrist. Someone had pulled her from her seat! She tried to scream, but they had covered her mouth with their hand. The person threw her over their shoulder, and headed up the stairs. When the lights came back on, everyone looked to where the Shield was standing, and gasped when they saw a young teenager standing between Rollins and Reigns, both of them holding her arms. Jenna had been captured by the Shield! Her dad looked up in shock as his daughter stood there, scared and frightened.

"This girl is going to stay with us until we get what we want, no matter how long it takes!" Reigns threw her back over his shoulder as Jenna mumbled under Seth's hand on her mouth. Their music hit again, and they walked behind a curtain. Jenna's dad went running up the stairs after them. He tore threw the curtains, frantically looking both ways down the hallway. Jenna was no where to be seen.

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