Chapter 2

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The Shield took Jenna backstage as she flailed her arms and kicked her legs. They quickly sped through the backstage area before anyone could realize what was going on. She looked around, Seth's hand still covering her mouth, praying that nothing bad would happen since she knew exactly what the Shield were capable of.

They turned the corner, where Ambrose opened the door to a dark, cold room. Still over his shoulder, Roman carried her inside the small room, and Dean shut the door. He sat her down in a steel chair in the middle of the room. Jenna could do nothing but stare up into the cold-hearted eyes of her kidnappers who now held her captive.

"Don't you dare scream!" Seth commanded. Jenna mumbled and nodded her head as he slowly pulled his hand away from her mouth. "Get her legs." Dean ordered, as Roman grabbed a rope from the table across the room and tied up Jenna's ankles. She squirmed as Rollins pulled her arms back, and tied them behind the chair. "What do you want with me?" She desperately pleaded. Dean kneeled down in front of her. "Nothing really." he chuckled with a sadistic grin on his face. "We just want what's rightfully ours."

She looked up at them and quickly lit up. "Why me?" she ordered. "Why did you take me and not some other fan?" They looked at each other with grins on their faces. "Just the wrong place at the wrong time, baby." Dean replied, looking up at her. He gently pushed a piece of her shiny, brown hair behind her ear. "Besides, I like my girls busty and brunette." he continued, winking at her. Jenna tugged forward, causing Dean to fall back. Her face turned bright red. "Oooh, we got us a feisty one!" He exclaimed, pulling himself back up.

Jenna dropped her head to face the fuzzy, deep green carpet. She looked up as she held back her tears. "Can you do just one thing for me?" They walked closer toward her. "What?" Roman answered in his deep, raspy voice. Dean slowly picked her head up with his finger, and looked into her bright, blue eyes. She gazed into his sparkling, hazel eyes. "Please don't hurt me." They looked at each other and laughed like a pack of wild hyena's. "Oh, we're not going to hurt you." he confessed, running his finger through her long, wispy, hair. "We're just going to keep you here until we get what we want, lets go." He dug his hand into her leg as he pushed himself up. He started towards the door, stopping in front of the flat screen TV in the room. He flipped it on. "Why don't you be a good girl and stay here and watch the rest of the show." They laughed as they gave each other fist pounds as they left the room.

Once they shut the door, Jenna dropped her head again, this time letting a tear fall down her cheek. When her father had told her they were going to a WWE Live event, she never thought in her wildest imagination that this would've happened. Just then, she lifted her head, remembering that this was one of her favorite groups in the WWE. These were her boys!

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