Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait guys. I hope this chapter will make up for it, and also the next couple of chapters. Enjoy !!

The live crowd boo'd after the Shield left the screen. Know body knew what was going on. Kane and Daniel looked at each other, puzzled. "That looked like that empty room back by the loading dock!" Daniel hollered. Team Hell NO quickly hopped out of the ring and ran to the back to try and find Jenna. John stood in the ring alone and looked over at Fred, who sat with his head down on the barricade, tears filling his eyes. John climbed through the ropes and walked over to him, placing a hand on his arm. "We will get her back." he assured Fred. He looked up into the shimmering eyes of the current WWE champion, a single tear rolling down his cheeks and nodded his head in agreement. "Thank you."

"Lets get out of here before someone finds us." Roman quickly shoved the camera and tripod into his duffel bag laying on the other side of the small room. "Lets go babe!" Dean hollered. pulling Jenna up by her arm. "Oww." Jenna screamed, holding her arm. "Oh, I'm sorry." He teased, pushing his hips into front, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Did that hurt?" he smiled sadistically. She starred into his hazel eyes, keeping quiet. "Lets go!" Seth demanded. Dean picked up the duffel bag while Roman threw Jenna over his shoulder. Seth went to put his gloved hand over her mouth before she stopped him. "I won't say a word." she hissed at him. Seth and Dean both looked at each other with grins on their faces. "You were right." Seth started. "She is a feisty one." Jenna's mouth dropped as she bounced on Reigns' shoulder as they quickly ran through the long hallways to the loading dock. "You know I can walk on my own, right?" she hissed to Roman as she was once again stuffed into the back of a very familiar mysterious, black van. "Oh, I know." He replied with his deep, raspy-toned voice as he climbed behind the wheel. "I just like holding you over my shoulder like my little bitch." Jenna's mouth dropped again as the other two members laughed wildly. The engine roared loudly as they drove down the busy downtown streets.

"We ran as fast as we could." Daniel panted as Team Hell NO rejoined John and Fred at the top of the entrance ramp. "When we reached the room, they were gone." "All that was left was a steel chair and the TV was turned on, and it was snowy." Kane added. Fred dropped his head to face the metal floor. "Don't worry, we'll find her." John reassured him, putting a hand on Fred's shoulder. "How much further is this going to go? He pleaded. "How much longer will they hold her hostage? I just want my little girl back." A single tear fell down his freckled cheek. "We'll have to think of something." John thought out loud. Fred ran a sweaty hand through his silver-tinted brown hair before suddenly stopping. "One question?" Fred asked. Daniel, Kane, and John slowly looked up to face him. 'Where's the next show?"

"We're going to Japan!" Jenna yelled. Dean quickly rolled up his window. "Keep it down. You don't want to make a big scene, now do you?" He chuckled. "You can't take me to Japan! I...I." she stuttered. "It doesn't matter what you want, you're coming to Japan." Roman explained, looking into the rear-view mirror at her. Seth chuckled beside her in the back. "We're going to Japan for 2 weeks, you're gonna like it, and we're going to get our title shots and win the titles." Roman faced forward, looking at the busy street ahead, stopping at a red light. The van rocked back and forth from the heavy wind as traffic passed them. The light turned green again, and the van went speeding off down the street which made Jenna fly backward, making Roman and Dean chuckle. She leaned against the cold, metal side door of the van and sighed. "What's the matter?" Seth questioned her, turning her head to face him. "I don't want to go to Japan. I just want to go home." A tear rolled down her right cheek. "Now, don't be crying now." Dean looked into the rear-view mirror. Seth wiped the tear with his gloved thumb. "Cheer up, things could be worse." Roman continued. "You could be held for ransom and being taken across the country by a group of vicious superstars." They all chuckled as Jenna turned to face the back of the van. She cried silently as they laughed like a pack of wild hyena's, racing down the packed streets of downtown Toronto, headed for the airport once again.

So, what'd y'all think of this chapter? Sorry if it wasn't that great and didn't make to much sense. I just want to make sure everyone knows exactly what's going on. And don't worry, I'm not making the Shield seem like a bunch of softy's (even though I know they are, LOL) They will be getting a bit more rough with Jenna, be patient. Thanks for reading. Vote if you like what you're reading. I'm gonna work on the next chapter now, so hopefully I'll have it up tonight or sometime tomorrow during the day.

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