Chapter 9

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The week passed and it was Monday Night Raw again. Raw was still in Tokyo and it was the night that the Shield were scheduled to face John Cena and Team Hell NO. They left their hotel room again as Jenna  was pulled through the hug lobby and out into another yellow cab. Once they were outside of the arena, Jenna was pulled from the back seat and rushed through the empty hallways of the arena. They sped into the same room as the previous week, and everything repeated itself. Dean opened the door and a steel chair was already waiting in the middle of the room.

Jenna took a seat and the boys were a little taken back. They chuckled as Roman set down his bag, Seth and Dean sitting on the coffee table behind her. "What?" she mumbled, placing her hands together between her legs. "what are you doing?" Seth asked, chuckling. "Am I not supposed to sit in the chair and be quiet..?" she questioned. Dean chuckled as he stood up and knelt down in front of her. "Tonight's different babe." he began. "We ALL have matches and we can't chance you running off, or someone snooping around and finding you." "So you're coming out with us." Roman finished in his low, bellowing voice. Jenna nodded slowly, agreeing.

Raw was almost over, and it was finally time for the main event, Ambrose vs Cena. An hour earlier, Seth and Roman beat on Team Hell NO after they got into yet another argument. Roman and Daniel were squaring off in the middle of the ring and Daniel had him rocked. He climbed out of the ring and started climbing the turnbuckles when Seth came running from his corner. Kane stepped into the ring and fought Rollins. Rollins ended up hitting Kane with one of his high knees, knocking Kane into the ropes, which knocked Bryan down. Roman then knocked Kane out of the ring over the top rope and Seth grabbed Daniel, throwing him over to Reigns. He picked him up and power-bombed him down for the 1,2,3. The referee raised their hands as Dean came running down through the crowd, congratulating them in the middle of the ring, raising their hands once again.

Jenna stood next to Dean, just a black curtain separating them from thousands of fans. Cena was just sliding under the bottom rope into the ring when Dean looked over at Jenna. "You nervous?" Dean nudged her shoulder with his. "A little..." She said, trying not to giggle. "That's ok, just do exactly what I told you." he stepped toward the curtain before looking back at her. "And don't do anything to mess me up." he added. She sighed sarcastically as his music hit and the crowd began to boo. "Show time!" They stepped out into view when the entire arena got quiet. He looked around, starring back as Jenna stepped out behind him. She looked around, a scared look on her face. John turned around, looking up, a very shocked look covered his face. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Dean grabbed Jenna's arm, leading her through the sea of people to the ring. He hopped over the guard rail, reaching over and picked her up, fireman style and lifted her over. He walked up the steel steps and climbed into the ring. Jenna slowly followed behind him. She climbed in through the middle rope, meeting Dean in the middle of the ring, the crowd still booing at him. He chuckled and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer to him and away from John. He still stood there, starring in shock at Jenna as she climbed out of the ring. Dean began to walk toward John. "Remember, all you have to do is lose this match, and maybe, just maybe you'll get her back." He said, once again being sarcastic. John looked down at her. She stood in Dean's corner, her hands resting on the dirty canvas. John backed up into his corner and the referee called for the bell.

They locked up as Jenna anxiously watched from the floor. John got Dean in a headlock, his massive arms surrounding Dean's neck. He tossed him toward the rope and Ambrose bounced off the rope and Cena knocked him down as the crowd cheered. He rushed Cena but he countered by swooping him up into a scoop slam to the canvas. Jenna jumped at the loud bang. Cena stopped in front of Dean and the crowd went nuts. He was setting up for his signature move. He bounced off the ropes and stopped right in front of Dean. His hand shot up into the air. He waved his hand down in Dean's face as the crowd began to chant. "You can't see me!" Dean quickly shot back up to his feet and John lifted him up onto his shoulders. As he lifted him up, he swung him around and Dean's legs hit the referee square in the head. John hit Ambrose with an AA and covered him, but the referee was down. The crowd counted three, but there was nothing anyone could do.

Suddenly, a bunch of commotion began in the crowd behind Jenna, and the other members of the Shield rushed into the ring. The crowd boo'd as Reigns charged Cena, pinning him up in the corner. Seth helped Dean up to his feet and they all went to town on him, forcing Jenna to watch helplessly. She didn't know whether to scream or cry. The crowd continued to boo as they pulled John to the middle of the ring. Roman let out that signature battle cry that he always did and Jenna knew exactly what would happen next. Ambrose and Rollins lifted Cena onto Reigns and they all power-bombed him to the ground. John laid there in a heap in the middle of the ring, motionless. The referee began to stir again as Rollins and Reigns hopped out of the ring and joined Jenna on the floor, standing on either side of her. Dean quickly covered John as the referee slowly crawled his way over to a limp John Cena, sprawled in the middle of the ring. "1,2,3." the crowd chanted along with the three loud thuds against the canvas.

Their music hit as the crowds boos' got even louder. The other members of the Shield rushed into the ring once again, raising Dean's hands in victory. They lifted him up onto their shoulders as Jenna slowly made her way into the ring. The ring announcer handed her the U.S. title and she walked it over to the boys. Seth snatched it from her grasp and handed it up to Dean, who held it overtop his head as she stood next to them in the ring. "There you have it folks." Michael Cole began. "In two weeks, we'll have the team of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns taking on the tag team champions Team Hell NO, and we'll see Dean Ambrose take on John Cena for the WWE Championship! That's it for Raw, goodnight."

Back in their small house in Canada, Jenna's father had just seen everything that unfolded on Raw. He quickly ran to the phone, and dialed Daniel Bryan's number. "Daniel! It's Fred." he began. "Where is the next show?!"

So, what do y'all think? Kind of left it on a little bit of a cliff hanger. What do you think will happen next? Will the Shield win the titles at TLC? Will Jenna ever be rescued from the Shield's torture? Stay tuned..  = )

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