Chapter 4

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To help their search for the young teenager, the police had been called and they were just arriving at the arena. "What happened?" the officer asked, walking up to Fred. Fred explained exactly what happened that evening. "Could you please give me a description of your daughter?" he asked, pulling a notepad and pen out of his pants pocket. "Yes. She's tall, average weight with brown hair and dark brown eyes." Fred responded. "What was she wearing?" the officer continued. "She was wearing a black woman's 'Hustle Loyalty Respect' John Cena t-shirt she bought at the beginning of the show." "Is there any specific reason why would've taken your daughter?" he asked, scribbling down answers. Fred looked down at the concrete floor. "No..." he shook his head, pinching the top of his nose to stop the tears from falling. The officer put a hand on his shoulder.

Just then, John and Daniel came running out from the backstage area, out of breath. "I think we found something!" Daniel hollered down the hallway, as they ran up to where Fred and the officer were standing. John handed a small hand-written note to Fred. He unfolded it slowly, looking back up at John and Daniel as they watched eagerly. He quickly scanned the note, his eyes running through each line. "What does it say?" the officer asked. Fred lifted his head from the note to face them. "They're taking her to Raw." he started. "And they won't let her go until they get what they want." "Where is Raw next week?" he turned to Cena. "Toronto.." he stuttered. Fred dropped his head, and started pacing back and forth down the hallway. "What do they want?" the officer asked, worriedly. "They want these." Cena held out his title belt, the WWE Championship! "They want title shots." he added. Fred stopped suddenly and faced John. "Why don't you just give them what they want, then?" he hissed. "It's not our decision.." he retorted. The two superstars slowly turned, heading back to the locker room. John looked back to see Fred placing a hand on his face, a look of disbelief. He began to pace again. Just then, Fred came up with a plan. "I'm going to Toronto!" he called out. John and Daniel spun around as Fred ran over to them, following them into the back.

Half an hour away, the road was bumpy as the black van driven by the biggest group member of  Jenna's kidnappers flew down the freshly paved road. "Where are we going?" Jenna asked. "The airport." Dean replied, turning around in his seat, grinning. "Next show is in Toronto." Seth leaned over, nudging her with his shoulder, slightly knocking her over. "Why can't you just let me go?" she pleaded. "I already told you babe, we're not letting you go until we get what we want." Dean teased. Jenna looked down at a piece of rope laying beside her. "What is it that you want then?" "We want title shots." Roman answered, looking back into the rear-view mirror. "Then why don't you just earn them like everyone else?" she admitted, making them go on edge. Seth cracked his knuckles, as Dean spun around in his seat again. "Listen doll-face, just do as we say, and you'll be home with daddy in no time. We don't listen to anyone, and we certainly don't play by anyone's rules." They drove over a train track which made Jenna fall over, making the boys laugh. Just as she pulled herself up, Roman turned a sharp corner, making her fly in the opposite direction.

When they arrived at the airport, Roman and Dean hopped out of the front, sliding the side door open. Roman pulled her out as Seth followed behind, slamming the door shut. They walked into the lobby, pulling their sweater hoods up. They quickly headed to the ticket booth as Jenna followed, Seth grasping her arm. "I need the first direct flight to Toronto as fast as possible." Dean asked the woman at the counter. "We have a 10:30 flight heading straight to Toronto tonight." He looked up at the giant clock on the wall across the hall. It read 10:04pm. "We'll take them." he replied, as she printed up four tickets. "Enjoy your flight." she said, handing him the tickets. "Thanks." he mumbled, grabbing the tickets. They headed to the terminal and found their seats on the plane. Roman followed in the rear as Jenna followed right behind Seth and Dean to their seats. She sat silently in between them, not moving or saying a single word the entire flight, just staring at the seat ahead of her. At this point, she was confused, angry, and scared. She had no idea what they were planning on doing with her.

When the plane finally landed in Toronto, the boys led her off the plane and they hopped in a cab. "34th and Main." Seth told the driver. "Yes, sir." he pulled out from the curb and drove them to the hotel. They walked through the hotel lobby up to the front desk. "Room for Sean Johnson." Dean told the man standing behind the big, wooden desk filled with documents and loose papers. "Yes, sir." he checked the computer, grabbed their room keys off the giant hook behind him. He leaned over and slid the keys across the marble desktop. Roman snatched them, and Seth thankfully nodded as they entered the elevator. They got off on the 6th floor of the hotel and walked down the hall until they reached their room. Roman turned the key and opened the door. Jenna followed them in. They were staying in a 2 bedroom suite with a pull-out couch. The boys looked at each other with grins on their faces before taking off for the rooms. Dean and Roman ended up getting the rooms, and Seth got the couch. "Well, looks like I'm going to be with them for a while." Jenna said in her head.

She stood by the coffee table, looking over at the Shield. "And where am I supposed to sleep?" she asked, yawning as she put a hand on her hip. They all turned to face her. "Well," Dean started. "You can either sleep on the floor.." he walked up behind her, putting his thumbs in the belt loops on her home-cut jean shorts. "Or, you can sleep in my room.." he whispered in her ear. She turned her head to see his eyes. "I'd rather take the floor." she hissed back at him. He chuckled and pulled her hips tight against him. "Like I said before, all you have to do it cooperate.." he reminded her, jokingly. She closed her eyes and sighed before nodding her head. "That-a-girl." he smirked, leading her into his room. She sat down on the queen sized mattress in the middle of the room. It had a giant blue spotted comforter on it, with light blue sheets. She sat with her legs crossed as Dean sat down in front of her. He tilted his head slightly, staring into her dark eyes. "What?" she asked once she noticed her was looking at her. "Nothing... I was just expecting you to be more..." he started. "What? You were expecting me to be what, scared...?" she cut him off. He gently cupped her cheek in his soft hand. "Yeah.." he nodded, chuckling softly. Jenna took his hand in hers. "I'm not scared of you." she stared into his deep, hazel eyes, smirking as she spoke. He chuckled again as he got up and crawled under the comforter and sheets. Jenna watched him, an awkward look on her face. "What?" he asked. "Nothing." she answered. He nudged his head toward the other side of bed next to him. "Nope." she teased, shaking her head. She grabbed a pile of blankets off the bench in front of the windowsill. Dean threw a pillow down to her as she quietly made a flop on the floor and fell asleep.

Sorry about this chapter guys. I know it's probably not one of my better ones. I was literally working on this one ALL day! I kept getting interrupted, that's why it may be a little choppy. The next one will be a lot better, I promise!  Keep reading, and stay tuned to find out what the Shield will do with Jenna. Will they finally let her go?

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