Chapter 8

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The following week, they all headed from their luxurious hotel room to the stadium in Tokyo for Raw. They walked out the front door and Roman hailed a cab. Once they pulled up behind the arena, Seth yanked Jenna from the back seat of the yellow cab and pushed her toward the loading doors, with Roman and Dean following close behind. They quickly rushed through the backstage area before anyone notices they were there. Jenna was suddenly pulled into another dark, white-walled room and sat in the middle of it in another cold, steel chair. "Don't say a word." Seth hissed. Jenna already knew the drill. This had been going on for weeks and she knew exactly what would happen. Roman set down his duffel bag carrying all of their video equipment. He quietly set up the tri-pod in front of her as she watched him.

It had been 2 weeks since anyone had seen the Shield, and that's the way they wanted it. It was the middle of Raw and John Cena and Team Hell NO were in the middle of the ring celebrating their victory over 3MB. Suddenly, the whole arena went pitch black and everyone screamed. The lights flickered and the lights turned back on. Jenna was in the middle of the Shield members as Seth and Roman stood on either side of her ad Dean hovered over her shoulder. "Well well well, would you lookie there?!" Dean protested. Te superstars in the ring looked up and the crowd boo'd. "Looks like someone hasn't done what they've been told." He gently stroked the side of Jenna's face as she squirmed in the chair, her feet tied together with rope. Team Hell NO began to climb out of the ring before a bellowing voice stopped them. "If you even THINK about coming to find us, you will never see her again!" Roman picked up the camera and put it in Jenna's face as a tear fell from her eye. They slowly stepped back through the ropes into the ring. John quickly grabbed a microphone. "Fine." He turned to look at Kane and Daniel, a discouraged look covering his face. "What do you want?" He breathed heavily. The Shield members grinned as they exchanged glances. "You know what we want." Seth began. "We want what's rightfully ours, we want our title shots!"

The crowd went insane as the three superstars in the ring looked at each other, confused looks overtaking their faces. They didn't know what to say. Quickly, Daniel took the microphone out of John's hand. "You want title shots?!" he screamed into the mic. "You'll get title shots..." Daniel continued. John and Kane worried about what Daniel would say next. "Only on one condition.." Jenna watched as Dean raised his eyebrows like he normally did, his soft, auburn hair falling into his hazel eyes and he slowly brushed it away. "If you beat us in match-ups." They all looked up as Jenna sat quietly in her chair, watching them. The members looked at each other, deliberating before Ambrose looked back into the camera. "You're on!" The crowd cheered as the members of the Shield smirked and the superstars in the ring raised their belts high above their heads.

Just then, the new General Manager of Raw, Brad Maddox walked out onto the stage and the crowd boo'd again. "Woah, woah, woah." he started. He could barely be heard because the crowd was booing so loud. "So, let me get this straight?" He looked up at the Shield on the tron. "You want title shots?" Then he looked down at Cena, Bryan and Kane. "And you gentlemen are ok with facing the Shield in match-ups?" They nodded and the crowd cheered. "Well, I guess that settles it." Maddox began again. "Next week, live on Monday Night Raw, it will be the team of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns taking on the tag team champions, Team Hell NO." The crowd roared. "And in the main event, it will be the WWE champion, John Cena vs Dean Ambrose! If any members of the Shield win next week, they will get a title shot in 2 weeks at TLC!"

The Shield smiled again as GM Brad Maddox left the stage. Just then, Reigns picked up the camera and held it to face Jenna. "Dad!" Her rose-coloured lips quivered as she fought to complete her words. "Help me!" She began to cry at this point, being fed up with all the weeks of constant torture. In the ring, Daniel, John and Kane felt helpless that they couldn't help Jenna. Roman pulled the camera away from her and set it back on the stand. Dean looked back into the camera. "Just do what we say, that's all we ask." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "And nothing bad will happen to her." Roman picked up the camera again. "Believe in the Shield!"

So what did y'all think? Will the Shield get their title shots? Will they finally let Jenna go free? Comment what you think will happen next. It really means a lot that y'all are reading and like my story as much as I enjoy writing it! Also, vote if you like what you're reading. Hopefully, I'll update within the next day. Thanks again.  <3

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