Chapter 10 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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The next week on Raw, John. Daniel and Kane flew Fred up Canada to find Jenna. He sat in the front row and patiently waited for the Shield to come out, hopefully bringing his daughter with them but they never did. They glanced at him and laughed as they passed him, heading to the ring. Fred looked down, shaking his head in disbelief.

The next two weeks basically flew by and it was finally time for the TLC pay-per-view. Cena had taken the liberty of flying Fred out again, where he sat in the middle of the front row, patiently waiting to see if he would spot his daughter.

They had already had the Diva's title match on the pre-show, and the World Heavyweight championship match between Alberto Del Rio and Christian, and it was time for the tag team championship match between Rollins and Reigns and Team Hell NO. The Shield's music played as Seth and Roman eagerly made their way to the ring, fighting through the crowd of booing WWE fans. They hopped over the barricade as Dean and Jenna sat in yet ANOTHER back room. They entered the ring as the crowd continued to boo them out of the building. Just then, Daniel Bryan's music hit, and he and Kane came walking onto the ramp and enormous amount of booing turned into an enormous amount of cheering and screaming. Everyone and their children started pointing their fingers in the air in unison, chanting one simple word. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Daniel chanted along with them as he did his side-skip down to the ring as Kane followed behind. They climbed into the ring as Reigns and Rollins scurried out. They slowly climbed back into the ring and referee started the match.

It was a hard-fought match between the two teams. Dean and Jenna waited in the back anxiously, but no one more anxious than Jenna. Here were two of her favourite tag teams at the time, fighting with each other for the tag titles. About 15mins into the match, Dean stood up and walked to the locked door. "I'll be right back." He told Jenna. She nodded, confused as he walked out of the dark room, locking the door behind him.

Back in the ring, Kane and Daniel had gotten into another one of their little scraps resulting in Daniel tagging himself in right before Kane was about to give Rollins a Tombstone. Kane bickered at Bryan as he climbed to the top rope, dropping Seth which allowed him to crawl over and tag in Roman. Roman climbed in through the middle rope and quickly ran over, shoving Kane into Daniel on the top rope, sending Daniel flying into the middle of the ring. Seth then came racing back into the ring, ramming Kane over the top rope and onto the matted floor, taking himself along. Once Daniel got to his feet again, he spun around and was met with a huge spear by Roman. He covered him and the ref counted for the 1,2,3. "Winner's, and NEW WWE tag team champions, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, The Shield!"

The crowd boo'd even louder as Dean ran out through the crowd and into the ring to congratulate the new champions. He stood in between them, raising their hands in victory as their music played and the crowd continued to boo. Jenna stood up in the back room in a state of shock. She didn't know whether to be upset or scream and cheer. A few minutes later, they all returned to the back, still celebrating and high-fiving. "That's how it's done!" Rollins screamed. Jenna was sat back down on the couch as Dean took a seat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder. Seth and Roman looked at their belts and the kissed them before placing them in their bags.

2 hours later, it was finally time for the WWE championship match between Deana and John. Jenna and the Shield were still sitting in the small room in the back of the arena, patiently awaiting this moment. The members of the Shield slowly stood up; Dean walked over to the small, round table beside the TV and loosely picked up his vest. He slipped it over his muscles and buckled it up, stopping in front of Jenna. "You ready babe?" he chuckled as she stood up and followed him of the room. She quietly followed them as they rushed through the empty hallways of the backstage area.

Soon, they came to a long, black curtain separating them from the massive crowd of cheering fans. They stopped and Dean looked down at Jenna. "You ready?" he asked again. She glanced back up at him, very nervous and nodded slowly. Ambrose looked up again, grabbing Jenna's hand before they made their way through the curtain. On the other side, the crowd boo'd violently as Dean made his way down to the ring, dragging Jenna along close behind him. They got down to the ring just as Fred turned his head to see his 18 year old daughter being lifted over the barricade by one of the monsters who had been holding her hostage for weeks. He stood up as she glanced over and saw him staring, a look of terror on her face. She began to walk over to him before Dean grabbed her by the wrist and whispered in her ear. She looked back at her father and shook her head, fighting back the tears that tried to escape her eyes. Just then, Cena's music hit and he ran down, charging the ring. Dean and Jenna quickly exited the ring as John leaned up against the ropes in front of them. Dean quickly grabbed Jenna's waist and pulled her toward him, holding her in his arm.

The match started and the Dean pointed to his corner as Jenna walked over. Fred slowly sat back down, watching (along with John) as Jenna stood behind the apron facing him. The match went back and forth the whole time. John grabbed Ambrose by the arm and flung him into the corner. Ambrose came running out and Cena dropped him with a close-line as the crowd cheered. In the middle of the match, Dean took control as John let his guard down and looked down at Jenna. She smiled back as he walked over to her. Dean noticed and quickly returned to his feet, running up to Cena and ramming his head into the turnbuckle as Jenna screamed.

John remained in control for the next few minutes of the match. A few minutes later, the Shield's music hit. Jenna looked up to see Rollins and Reigns racing toward the ring. They hopped the barricade and stood beside Jenna on the other side of the ring. They pounded their hands on the apron, attempting to get Dean back into the match and the crowd boo'd even louder at their attempts. Both John and Dean returned to their feet and continued hammering away at each other.

A few more minutes went by and Dean was back in control. He whipped Cena off the ropes and ducked Cena's close-line as went flying across the ring. He bounced back off the ropes and dropped Cena with a close-line of his own. He then began to mock Cena as he reached his arm into the air and waved it back in forth in John's face as Seth and Roman laughed on the outside. He went bouncing off the ropes again but was met this time with a scoop slam by Cena. The crowd cheered as Cena lifted his arm in the air and waved it down in Dean's face as the entire arena chanted in unison "You can't see me!" He bounced off the rope, stopped at Dean's body and dropped his fist into the side of Ambrose's head.

Dean shook his head and returned to his feet. He spun around and Cena lifted him onto his shoulders and hit him with an AA. Just then, Seth hopped up onto the apron and distracted the referee from his count. Cena got to his feet and shoved Rollins off of the apron and into the barricade behind him. As all this was occurring, Reigns went behind the barricade by the time-keeper's area and folded a chair up and carried it to the ring as Dean crawled toward his corner. Jenna watched in shock as her favourite wrestler of all time was fighting for his life against three bullies. Just as Roman was about to slid the chair into the ring, Jenna ran over and snatched it from his grasp. The crowd cheered as she stood next to the ring, holding the steel chair up as if ready to strike him, right in front of Dean! Fred stood up and clapped loudly at his daughter's bravery.

Rollins got back to his feet and climbed up beside Reigns, both of them in shock. Jenna lowered the steel chair as they backed away and smirked. She slowly spun around to see the referee checking on a stirring John Cena in the middle of the ring. Cena finally made it back to his feet as Rollins and Reigns ran to the other side of the ring and once again distracted the referee. Dean smiled down at Jenna and winked. She smiled back as she handed him the steel chair and the crowd boo'd. Fred slowly sat back down in his seat in complete shock as Ambrose smacked Cena over the head with the steel chair. He tossed it out of the ring and covered John. Seth and Roman hopped down from the apron and the ref turned around and counted the 1,2,3. The Shield's music hit as Ambrose jumped high in the air. The other members of the Shield entered the ring and lifted him up on their shoulders as the referee handed him the WWE title. He held it high over his head as the crowd boo'd. An explosion went off and a mountain load of confetti sprinkled down on top of them. Jenna slowly walked up the steps into the ring and looked at them as they set Dean back down on the ground, and he handed the belt to Rollins. She smirked as he met her in the middle of the ring, breathing heavily. He gently pushed a piece of her wavy, brunette hair behind her ear as she stood, feet crossed. He smiled back at her as she looked around at the crowd. They boo'd as she looked back at Dean and gently bit her bottom lip. He placed a finger under her chin and another behind her head and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. The crowd went insane as they pulled away and Seth handed him the title again. Jenna grabbed his hand and raised it in the air once again. They climbed out of the ring and headed up the ramp toward the backstage area as Fred sat in his chair, completely heart broken.

"Wow." Michael Cole said on commentary. "I can't believe it." "I know." Jerry replied. The camera zoomed in on Cole's face. "She was working with Shield the whole time.."

Well, the story is finally done. I hope y'all have enjoyed it and this chapter. Let me know what you think, it would be amazing !  Love you all. <3

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