Chapter 5

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I hope you get nice and comfy folks, it's gonna be a long one !!! Enjoy chapter five.

The next morning, Fred woke up bright and early. He packed up a bunch of clothes in the giant, blue suitcase Jenna had bought him for Father's Day a few years prior just before he was heading off for one of his big conferences. After making himself a nice breakfast; eggs, sausages, and hash browns, (the breakfast Jenna and him usually shared together) he drove down to the airport to meet Daniel and John. Once there, they all met up and enjoyed a nice, hot cup of Tim Horton's coffee together, then they walked up to the ticket booth. "Three for first class, please?" John politely asked the woman standing behind the glass. "Right away, sir." The woman replied, smiling. Fred looked at John with a confused look covering his face. "Really, first class?" He asked, surprised. "Yeah." Daniel nodded. "That's where we usually sit on flights." They waited in the waiting room for about 45mins before their flight started boarding. A voice came over the PA system. "Flight 405 to Toronto through Saskatoon." "That's us!" Daniel said before standing up and leading the way as John and Fred followed him through the terminal onto the plane. They took their seats, and were soon on their way to Toronto.

Jenna woke up to a bright stream of sunshine which poured in through the slightly opened curtains of the hotel room. She sat up from her flop on the floor, stretching her arms over her head. "Never again.." she shook her head as she rubbed her now sore back. She glanced up into Dean's bed to notice that he wasn't there. She quietly stood up, locking the bedroom door. She grabbed the same clothes she had worn the previous day, quickly slipping them on. She unlocked the door, and tip-toed out to the living room, rubbing her tired eyes. She looked into the kitchen to notice Seth cooking eggs  and bacon, while Roman made pancakes on the griddle next to the toaster. "Well, look who's finally up." Seth said in his adorable morning voice. Jenna giggled lightly as she took a seat on one of the stools in front of the counter. "You hungry?" he asked her, pointing his spatula down to the sizzling bacon he was cooking. She nodded her head and yawned. Just then, the hotel suite door swung open and Dean walked in. "Look who's awake!" he jokingly mentioned as he passed Jenna, making her grin. He was carrying a plastic bag with syrup, butter and milk, setting it down on the counter top. He walked up behind Jenna, wrapping his arms loosely around her waist. She didn't move, not wanting him to go off on her. "Will you leave the poor girl alone, already?" Seth joked. "We've already taken her from her hometown, I'm sure she doesn't want to be hit on by a loser like you!" Dean chuckled at Seth's witty comment, walked around the counter and nudged Seth on the shoulder.

They finished their filling breakfast before checking out of the hotel. The boys rolled their large luggage bags down the stairs, walking up to the front desk. "Thank you for staying at the Toronto Inn." the man behind the desk said as Roman slid him their room keys. "Thanks." Dean mumbled as they walked out the front double doors of the hotel. "Where are we going now?" Jenna looked over at Seth and Dean, as Roman tried to hail them a cab. "I guess we'll go straight to the arena.." Seth looked over at Dean. "Yeah, there's nothing else for us to do. We can just chill at the arena until Raw starts." he answered, nodding his head. Roman finally got them a cab and they drove off to the arena. Seth paid the driver once they arrived at the building, while Dean and Roman grabbed their luggage from the trunk. Jenna stepped out onto the sidewalk looking up at the arena, shading her eyes from the sun. It was only 2:30, and the show didn't start until 7pm. As the cab sped off down the street, Jenna was quickly spun around as Roman once again threw her over his shoulder. "Really guys? Can't I just walk?" she asked, annoyed. Roman walked toward the back door to the arena, Seth and Dean pulling their luggage behind them. They entered the building and Dean leaned against the wall, peaking around the corner, making sure the coast was clear. "All good." he whispered. "What do you mean, all goo.." Seth held his hand over her mouth again as they ran through the hallways. They quickly found an empty room with a TV and couches, walked in and Roman set Jenna down on the couch. They all knelt down in front of her. Dean put a hand on her knee. "So, you know what you're supposed to do, right?" he gently brushed the hair out of his eyes. 'What...?" she looked confused. Roman sighed as Seth explained to her. "You do exactly what we say tonight, and we'll take you back home." Jenna's face quickly lit up. "You'll take me home?" she repeated. "Sure." Dean replied. "If you cooperate and do everything we say tonight, we'll take you home tonight." Jenna looked down, placing her hands together between her knees. She returned her gaze up to the three members of the Shield. "alright." she slowly nodded. "Just tell me what to do, only if you promise you'll take me home after the show!" she demanded. "Promise." Dean began, placing an arm around the back of her neck. "We promise to take you home straight after the camera's stop rolling." he assured her.

After 3 1/2 hours of waiting in the stuffy, little room, the boys stood up and grabbed their bags. "Where are you going?" Jenna sat straight up in her seat on the couch. "We're going to change.." Dean started, his tone of voice completely changing, becoming mean once again. "And just to make sure you don't wander off.." Jenna turned her head as Roman pulled a pair of handcuffs from the side pocket of his bag while Seth pulled a piece of rope from his. Dean pulled up the steel chair leaned up against the wall next to the locked, white door. He set it up in the middle of the room, then led Jenna to it, pushing down her shoulders forcing her to sit. "Hands!" Roman ordered, as she bent her arms behind her back and he cuffed her wrists together. Seth knelt down in front of her, tying her ankles into a tight knot. "There." he said, accomplishingly as they strutted towards the door. "Stay here until we come back." Roman chuckled as the boys headed out, fist pounding each other before closing the door behind them.

While alone, Jenna got tired of sitting in complete and utter silence. She looked at the door, realizing she would be alone for awhile. she started to silently hum John Cena's theme song, and half way into the song, she was at a full-blown hum. After changing into their vests and pants, the Shield returned to the room as Jenna was still humming, not realizing they had returned. She looked up embarrassed as they stood facing her, arms crossed. "Really, really?" Seth asked, sarcastically. "You couldn't think of anything better to hum?" he teased her. Jenna giggled as Roman walked in with a giant video camera on a tripod. "What is that for?" she asked, a little taken back. "It's for later tonight.." Dean said, jokingly. Seth and Roman chuckled at his attempted flirting. Roman finished setting up the video camera right in front of Jenna. "Why is it pointed at me?" she asked, hesitantly. "You'll see." Seth added onto the teasing. Jenna looked up at them as they laughed like a pack of hyena's.

Back in the front of the arena, Daniel, John and Fred had just arrived at the arena for that night's taping of Monday Night Raw. Fred looked down the halls, frantically searching for his daughter. "What if we don't find her?" he panicked. "Don't worry." John put a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her." Fred looked up, wiping a falling tear from his face. He followed John into the locker room area, where John changed into his ring attire, blue jean shorts, white runners and a red 'Hustle Loyalty Respect' t-shirt. "I think it would be best if you watched the show from the front row." "alright." Fred nodded as John handed him an extra ticket. Fred followed one of the security guards to his front row seat.

The show started with a match between Sheamus and Damien Sandow. They had been in a heated rivalry for a few months. They fought for the better part of 15mins, with which Sheamus ended up winning the match when he hit Damien straight in the face with a Brogue Kick. The rest of the show was just as incredible with matches like Randy Orton vs The Big Show, The Miz vs Antonio Cesaro, and Chris Jericho vs Fandango. Finally, it was time for the scheduled main event, John Cena and Team Hell NO vs The Shield! While Cena and Hell NO headed out to the ring, the Shield walked back into the small room where Jenna had been stored that evening. "It's show time, baby!" Dean yelled, a giant smile covering his face as Roman turned on the video camera. Seth knelt down next to her, looking her right in the eye. "Listen, don't say a word, just let us do all the talking." "If you say one word, you'll be stuck with us even longer, and you don't want that, do you?" Roman boosted, getting in her face. "Got it?" she nodded slowly, letting them know she understood.

Out in the middle of the ring, the Shield's music hit and everyone boo'd. "Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield!" Everyone turned to face the stairs where the Shield usually come down, but everyone was shocked when they heard a voice come from the tron. "Hey Cena!" Ambrose called through the camera. "We're up here, Cena." The superstars in the ring turned to face the titan tron. "Have you been looking for us?" Seth asked, sadistically. "Do we have something that belongs to you?" They moved the camera to show Jenna, who sat in the steel chair with her hands cuffed behind her back and her ankles tied together. Fred immediately stood up when his daughter came on the screen. Everyone in the audience gasped at the sight. "Like we said, we want what's rightfully ours." Dean began again. "And what we want is a title shot!" He walked around behind Jenna, running a hand through her long, brown hair. "And if we don't get what we want.." He looked into Jenna's eyes, "You don't get her." he said with a smirk on his face. He looked back into the camera. "You know what you have to do." Roman picked up the camera. "Believe in the Shield!" he yelled, and the screen went black. John, Daniel and Kane looked down at Fred, who sat down and had a hand covering his tear-filled face.

How is everyone liking the story so far? I hope it's good. Comment if you have any suggestions or just your input on the story so far. So, why does Dean keep flirting with Jenna? Do you think maybe he has a little crush on the young teenager, or is just part of his master plan? Do you think they'll keep their word and let her go? Stay tuned to find out.  Thanks for reading.

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