Chapter 3

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I hope you're all liking the story so far. Sorry it took a while for me to upload a new chapter. I've just been really busy with school and work, but I defiantly try to upload more chapters soon. Thanks again for reading, and don't forget to comment and vote if you like what you read.

Back out in the arena, everyone was leaving the arena while Jenna's father had been taken down to the ring to talk to Cena, Kane and Bryan. "Hello sir, I'm John Cena." They all introduced themselves. "I'm Fred." Jenna's father replied. "What happened?" Kane asked. "The lights went out, I looked beside me and she was gone. They just took her." Fred responded. "They obviously want title shots.." Daniel added. "You think?!" Kane spat back at him. They gave each other an awkward look. "Not now guys!" John hollered, waving his hands in the air. Fred looked down at the canvas. "You don't think they're going to hurt her, do you?" he asked, trying to be calm. "I hope not." Kane said. "Who knows what they're thinking.." John and Daniel shot him a disgusted look as Fred turned his attention to the security guard approaching the ring. "Did you find her?" Fred asked, urgently. The security guard shook his head. "Not yet sir, but we have our entire team searching the back for her. We'll find her." he assured him. Fred sighed as he dropped his head toward the canvas once again.

Back in the cold, dark room, Jenna had briefly fallen asleep after her cry. She quickly woke up when she heard the doorknob rattle. She glued her eyes to the door, praying that it was something coming to rescue her. She was disappointed when the door swung open, and the Shield walked in. Dean shoved half a sandwich in his mouth as Seth and Roman followed, locking the door behind them. "Are you hungry?" Seth asked. Jenna slowly lifted her head to face them. "Yes." she replied quietly. "Un-tie her." Dean ordered. Reigns untied her arms and feet, and Seth handed her a sandwich from the plastic plate he was carrying. Jenna devoured the sandwich as the boys sat on the couch across from her.

"So, what's your name anyways?" Roman asked, not really concerned. She wiped the bread crumbs from her mouth. "Jenna.." she answered, looking down into her lap. "How old are you?" Seth added. She looked back up at them, scanning each pair of eyes. "Eighteen." she mumbled quietly. Dean quickly sat up in his spot. "Eighteen huh?" he asked, a grin overtaking his face. He got up and walked over to where Jenna was sitting with one leg crossed over the other. He circled around her, like a vulture circles his kill. He bent down behind her, whispering in her ear. "Just how I like em, young and feisty." he hissed, rubbing his finger down the side of her face. She took a deep breath as he sat back down on the couch. "So, you like John Cena, I see?" Seth asked. "Yeah.." she mumbled. "I'm going to get more food." Seth said. "Hurry back." Dean retorted as Seth headed out the door, closing it gently behind him.

Roman got up and kneeled down in front of her. "You know, you don't have to be scared of us." he began. "It's not like we're going to hurt you." he added, jokingly. "Only if you cooperate." Dean added. She nodded letting them know that she understood. "So, I guess since you're such a big Cena fan, you don't really like us that much..?" Dean mentioned, raising his eyebrow like the Rock, which made Reigns chuckle. "Well, I do love Cena, but that doesn't mean I don't like you guys too." She explained. 'I've been a really big fan of all three of you since FCW." She turned to face Dean. "And I've gone back and watched all YOUR matches." he smirked at her, licking his teeth. Just then, Seth rushed back into the room. "We better get out of here, they're looking for us everywhere!" he exclaimed. Jenna looked at them, concerned. "What are you going to do with me?" The Shield looked at each other before turning back to face her. "I guess you're coming with us." Dean answered before Roman threw her back over his shoulder, Seth's gloved hand covering her mouth once again. She mumbled under his hand, trying to gasp for air. "If you just cooperate and do what we tell you, nothing bad will happen to you, and we'll let you go safe and sound, got it?" Dean explained to her, sadistically. Jenna nodded her head in agreement, shocked at how quickly their moods had changed. One minute they were cold-hearted kidnappers and the next they were nice, sweet guys.

"Don't say a word!" Seth hissed as they quickly ran through the halls, Jenna bouncing on Reigns' shoulder. They rushed out through the back loading dock to a black van parked behind the arena. Roman dumped her in through the side door of the van, Seth following behind her. Dean and Roman climbed in the front seats. The engine roared as Reigns put the vehicle in gear, and took off down the busy downtown streets.

So, how is everyone liking the story so far? What do you think the Shield will do with Jenna? Do you think they'll keep their promise and set her free? Stay tuned to find out. Chapter 4 to come soon. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote.  = )

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