Chapter 7

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I want the story to revolve more around Jenna and the Shield, so every once in a while I'll bring up Fred looking for her

After battling through the heavy traffic, they arrived at the Toronto airport again, and purchased four tickets straight for Japan. "Hey, didn't I just see you folks the other day?" The lady at the ticket booth asked. "Probably." Seth mumbled. "We travel a lot.." Roman answered, chuckling. The other boys chuckled along as Dean took the tickets and led them onto the plane. They took their seats; Roman and Seth sitting together on the left side of the aisle, and Jenna sitting next to Dean on the other side of the aisle. She slid over to the seat closest to the window and sat down. Dean took a seat next to her, looking over at the other boys. He winked at them as they chuckled and sat down in their seats. Dean looked over at Jenna who was still staring out the window at the Toronto airport. "You know, it's gonna be a pretty long flight." he began. "You might get a little tired.." he nudged his shoulder toward her. "If you need somewhere to rest your head.." Jenna slowly turned her head, an annoyed look covering her face. "or not." He added. "Your choice." "No thank you." Jenna stated. "It's gonna be a 26 hour flight." he mentioned. "You've done enough." she turned to face the window again, the look still on her face. Dean looked over across the aisle at the other members, who shook their heads.

After the long, 26 hour flight from Toronto straight to Tokyo, Dean shook Jenna, waking her from her slumber. "Wake up babe, we're here." She rubbed her eyes as a woman's voice came over the PA system. "It is now safe to exit the plane. Thank you for choosing Toronto Airlines." They unbuckled their seatbelts as Roman reached up and grabbed his duffel bag from carry-on. Seth led the way off the plane and they went down to collect their bags from the conveyor belt, grabbed them and hailed a cab. "Kari Moto hotel." Dean told the driver, while the other two put their bags in the trunk. Jenna hopped into the middle of the back seat of the cab and Seth and Dean climbed in beside her. Roman slammed the trunk shut and climbed in beside the driver and they took off down the streets of Tokyo. Jenna looked out the window of the yellow taxi cab as they drove by famous Tokyo landmarks, and many different sized buildings.

"We're here." the driver said, stopping the car in front of a tall, brown building with what seemed like a million windows covering it. Seth and Roman hopped out and pulled all the bags from the trunk. Dean paid the driver and they all walked into the building, walking up to the front desk. "We want a suite with two rooms." Roman barked, intimidatingly. Jenna quietly giggled as the clerk shockingly handed over the room keys. They took the elevator up to their suite on the 6th floor. Seth opened the door and Roman dropped their bags on the floor. The suite had two room and a hide-a-bed. "I call the first room!" Dean hollered. "I call the second room!" Roman echoed. "Fine." Seth nodded. "I'll take the couch." Jenna sat down on the couch. "Umm, NO." she began. "I am not sleeping on the floor again." She looked up at Dean. "Well, it's either you sleep on the floor again." she looked up at Dean. "Well it's either that, or you sleep with me.." he teased, sitting down next to her, slowly placing a hand on her upper leg.  "Fine." she retorted, shaking his hand off her leg." I'll sleep on the floor." The boys chuckled as she dragged her bag into the bedroom. Once again, she laid blankets and a pillow down on the floor under the window. She put her pajama's on when someone knocked on the door. "Come in." she answered. Dean walked in, holding his t-shirt in his hand. "You going to bed?" She asked, questioningly. "Yeah, you?" he replied. "Yeah, I'm tired. Long day.." she giggled. She started to kneel down to crawl into the flop on the floor when Dean stopped her. "Hey, you want the bed tonight?" he asked. "What?" Jenna looked almost shocked. "Do you want the bed tonight?" Dean repeated. "I can sleep on the floor tonight." "Sure.." she climbed into the giant king sized bed with silk sheets and an emerald comforter. Dean crawled down onto the floor and fluffed his pillow. Jenna threw him down a second pillow, hitting him in the head with it. He glanced back up at her, a smirk on his face. "Thanks." "You're welcome." she giggled as she turned off the desk lamp. "Goodnight Jen." He teased. "Goodnight Deanie." she teased back. He looked up at her, chuckling as he dropped his head on the pillows. She rolled over and closed her eyes, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Sorry if this chapter sucks. I've been suuuuuuper lazy lately and I've kind of had a case of writer's block.... I'll try to update more often. But vote if you like what you're reading, share this story, and keep on reading. THANKS !!

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