☆☾17☽☆ Sacrifices

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It was soothing.


It was louder.


This time it was urgent.

Natasha opened her eyes and looked around dazed.

Her eyes fell on a figure, her vision still blurred from the knock on her head. He seemed to be shouting in her direction but she couldn't hear distinctly.

A few moments later, her vision cleared and the voice found her ears as she emerged from her stupor.

"Clint..." She mouthed weakly.

Clint seemed to have let out a sigh of relief, and flashed a small broken smile at her.

Natasha found herself lying on a rough navy couch, her hands were tied behind her back by rope that cut at her skin, her ankles were bound by the same rope.

She struggled to break free from her restraints but to no avail.

"Natasha, listen, don't give in to any of his demands later, even if he threatens you with my life. Run when you have the chance." Clint told her with so much seriousness that it scared her.

"What's happening? Who's doing this, Clint?" Natasha asked worriedly.

Before Clint could answer, the front door swung open and presented Natasha with the answer.

Natasha's jaw dropped and words failed her.

"Hello Natasha." Hayden cooed.

Natasha shuddered and suddenly remembered all the times he had made her feel that way. That time outside the dormitory door and the other time when he had walked in on her and Clint.

She swallowed hard. This newly discovered information made the situation so much more complicated and dangerous.

"Do you remember me?" Hayden took a seat next to her and trailed a hand down her leg.

Natasha immediately shrunk away at his touch and retreated to the other end of the couch, refusing to look at him or answer his question.

"Don't you touch her!" Clint warned.

"And what will you do about it?" Hayden challenged, mocking Clint's helplessness in being tied to a chair.

He scooted closer to Natasha, cornering her between himself and the armrest of the couch. Natasha squirmed.

"Natasha, do you remember helping me pick up my books in freshmen year?" He smiled warmly, although to Natasha it was more of creepy.

Natasha contemplated her response. She concluded that it was best not to agitate him now, so she decided to play along.

She prepped a smile on her face before speaking as sweetly as possible.

"Yeah, of course I remember."

Hayden broke into a grin. If it weren't for the circumstances, it would look totally innocent to anyone who saw it.

"Then change of plans, I'll make sure I'm all you remember." He snickered, his moments ago innocent facade drastically turned to evil. He glanced tauntingly at Clint.

"How does that sound, dormmate?" Hayden chuckled evilly.

"If you as much as lay a finger on her, I'll make you pay and you won't have time to regret, I assure you that!" Clint growled in response, tugging the chair forward in his attempt.

"Empty promises, empty promises." Hayden tutted, "How are you supposed to do all that when you're tied to a chair?" He reminded, palms held open facing the ceiling.

"So, Natasha, shall we do this the easy way...or the hard way?" He turned to her with an evil twist on his lips.

A million thoughts ran through Natasha's mind. How was she to keep herself and Clint safe while satisfying Hayden?

She decided to use her bargaining chip.

"Hayden, if I promise to be with you, will you let Clint go?"

"Tasha no!" Clint shouted but was met with silence from Natasha.

"So I see you've resorted to bargaining already huh? I'm not a fool, you have to give me something first, let's say, like a deposit, so I know you won't go back on your word." His fingers curled under her chin.

A sickening thought struck Natasha. It was obvious what Hayden wanted as a 'deposit'.

"No, Natasha, no no no!" Clint practically screamed and thrashed around, trying even harder to break the ropes. Natasha avoided his eyes.

Hayden glanced from one of them to the other.

"I'll let you two talk it out. Time is what we have anyway. If you'll excuse me, I have some errands to run." Hayden stood up and retrieved an object wrapped in newspaper from a cabinet.

He threw on a hoodie and slipped the object into the interior pocket before putting on a pair of gloves.

He was out to make his next kill.

After the door closed, Clint broke the silence.

"Tasha, what were you thinking?!" He snapped, more out of concern than anger.

"I did what I had to." Natasha replied sternly, still not looking him in the eye.

"You know what he wants!"

"Either way he would still have it!" Natasha cried, eyes welling up with tears, then softened, "At least I can get you out this way."

"Tasha..." Clint's voice quivered.

They both knew Hayden wasn't likely to let either of them go, but Natasha still jumped at any opportunity, not for herself, but for Clint.

Natasha turned away and buried her face in the cushion of the couch and sobbed.

Clint's heart shattered upon hearing her whimpers.

They wished they didn't care so much about each other, then it wouldn't be so hard.

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