☆☾6☽☆ What would I do without you

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The doorbell rang.

Rosa put down the broom and dusted her hands on her pants before going to open the door.

There stood a bloody and badly injured Clint.

"Mr Barton, oh my! Please come in, I'll get Ms Natasha." She exclaimed.

Minutes later, Clint could hear Natasha bounding down the steps. She ran to the door and was shocked.

"Let me patch you up." She said cooly before leading him to her room.

Once there, she pulled him by his hand into the bathroom. Clint locked the door behind him as Natasha began to rummage through the cabinet above the sink for medical supplies.

"Take off your shirt." Clint did as Natasha instructed and flung his shirt onto the covered toilet bowl.

Then, while Natasha was still looking for some antiseptic cream, he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Once Natasha had retrieved everything she needed, she closed the cabinet and patted Clint's face before turning around to face him. She glanced at his muscular arms, eyes then traveling to his well-chiseled chest and torso.

His hands stayed on her waist.

She dabbed his wounds with a damp cloth to clean off the blood.

Clint stayed still, his eyes on her.

Natasha began to squeeze some antiseptic cream onto a cotton swab before applying it gently to the cut on Clint's upper left cheek, just below his eye.

He winced a little at that and Natasha stopped, looking at him for a response.

"It's okay, carry on." Clint assured.

And Natasha did, doing the same to the cut on his chest.

She then put a plaster on his nose after treating the wound there, and moved on to bandage his arm.

All the time it was silent, until Clint broke it.

"Aren't you gonna ask me what happened?" He asked softly.

"Were you going to tell me?" Her eyes snapped up to his.

Clint looked away for a moment.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. As long as you come back safe, and I mean not dead, I'm glad." She gave him a small smile.

"Thanks for understanding, Nat."

"You have been very secretive lately though, is this about your job again?" Natasha asked, placing a hand on his chest and looking up at him.

"Actually no. It was...a gang fight I tried to stop." Clint revealed.

"Always trying to play the hero huh?" Natasha smirked.

"Nah, it's good enough being yours." He grinned.

"I didn't say you were my hero." She said while turning around to keep the medical supplies, a playful tone in her voice.

"Don't lie!" He chuckled and began to tickle her. Natasha squirmed and tried to escape from him but to no avail. She burst out giggling.

Finally, he caught her in his arms and the pair couldn't stop laughing.

After a while, they quietened down and Clint looked at Natasha with seriousness, leaning his forehead against hers.

"Thank you, Sweetheart. What would I do without you?" It wasn't a question that needed an answer, and Clint hoped to never find the answer, for 'without you' wasn't a world he could live in.

"No need to thank me, that's what I'm here for, for you." Natasha replied and took his face in her hands.

He gave her a kiss, a passionate one. They closed their eyes and Natasha wove her hands round Clint's neck. One of his hands travelled up her back to her neck, his fingers tangled in her short curly hair, while the other stayed at her waist.

After a long moment of passion, they pulled away with smiles on their faces.

"Come on, let's get you some rest." Natasha picked up his shirt, unlocked the bathroom door, and led him into the bedroom.

There, she made Clint lie down on the bed and tucked the blanket round him.

"Where are you going?" Clint asked as Natasha turned to leave.

"Bringing your bloody shirt to the dumpster and getting you some ice for your bruises." She smirked and left the room.

When Natasha came back, Clint was sitting up with his back against a pillow, his hands behind his head. He had been waiting for her.

Natasha took one look at him and stifled a laugh.

"What? You look like you've never seen a hot guy in your bed before." He smirked.

"With you shirtless and the blanket around you, you look like you aren't wearing any clothes." Natasha giggled.

"Ahhh...so you like that. Why don't you get naked in bed with me too then? I wouldn't mind." He teased and gave a naughty grin.

Natasha blushed and walked towards the bed. Sitting down, she slapped him on his chest.

"Ow! Can't you be nicer to an injured man?" He faked the pain and clutched his chest. Natasha had only slapped him gently.

"Trust you to be thinking about that when you're this badly injured." She pursed her lips and glared at him, then pressed the ice pack to his stomach.

Clint almost jumped out of the bed at the sudden coldness.

Natasha laughed at him.

"Woah, you didn't have to do that! I was only joking with you."

"Same here, I was only joking."

Clint looked upset, then his expression changed to a playful smirk.

He picked up the ice pack and pressed it to Natasha's face, catching her unaware. She yelped and jumped, holding the part of her face where the ice touched.

"Now we're quits." Clint lay back down on the pillow.

"I think we've had enough of fooling around." Natasha said with finality, then she picked up the ice pack from the floor and sat down on the bed next to Clint.

She placed the ice pack gently on his bruises to ease any swelling while he closed his eyes to rest.

A while later, Clint had fallen asleep. Natasha climbed into bed with him and he subconsciously wrapped an arm round her, pulling her closer.

He couldn't do without her and in the same way, she couldn't do without him.

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