Rock 'n' roll High School

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- starting the academic year -

The Ramones - Rock n roll High School

I woke up with a smile. First day of art school. I took my sweet time with my morning routine before going down to eat breakfast.

My mum sat waiting for me, the coffee brewed. Black and piping hot, just how I liked it.
The smell itself put me in a good mood and the rush of my head coming to life as I took the first sip, made everything fall into place.

I bit into the bagel. Smoked salmon and cream cheese. My mum knew me so well.

"I'm glad to see you so happy Izzy," my mum said.

I hugged her.

"I finally get to make stuff. I can draw all day. And I will learn more about arts!" I laughed, feeling like a small child on christmas morning.

"Just don't forget your friends in your excitement," my mum smiled hugging me back.

"I won't. I am meeting Ellen at the gates and Simon is in my course," I shrugged.

One hour later I stepped off the bus outside the campus and made my way over to the main gates.
The excitement of the morning was replaced by a heavy anticipation. There were so many people.
Most my age, but older students greeting each other interspersed the landscape.
I regretted my choice of clothing. In my jeans and checkered shirt over a black singlet, I looked like a teacher rather than a student.
There were miniskirts and skin-tight tops on perfect bodies. Sighing and swearing to make a different fashion choice tomorrow.
I rested back on the brick wall next to the gate. Who was I kidding anyway. My wardrobe consisted of jeans, sweats, t-shirts and button down shirts. I had no idea how to change my style and lacked the money for a change.
Searching the crowd for familiar faces I spotted Ellen. She looked about as lost as I felt. Her ponytail swiveled with her head as she surveyed the crowd like I had done.
We had spent a whole afternoon dreading first day. I dreaded meeting new people. She hated false smiles and overly enthusiastic people. Ellen had refered to first day as "predatorial circling around potential allies and enemies". I just wanted to avoid the fashionistas and other richer-than-thou, while avoiding the social dungheap.
Mischief in mind, I snuck up behind Ellen. Without a word I stood next to her and waited for her to turn towards me.

"Hey. You look friendly. Wanna be my friend? I'm sure we'll be great friends, see we even have the same colour converse," I prattled on enthusiastically in imitation of her worst, first day nightmare.

Ellen's face cracked up into a big smile.

"My name is Izzy. Nice to meet you," I grinned, trying to keep up the pretence.

"Oh Izzy," Ellen laughed and gave me a hug. We linked arms and walked in through the gates to the main central square of the campus.
Four large buildings loomed over us. The closest one to us was the cafeteria, gym, admin and other amenities. The other housed arts, economics and computer sciences.
On our right was the arts building. It was unmistakeable. All glass and fancy architecture. Next to the admin was the information science building, homing mostly computer programming courses.
The last building was where Ellen would be.
Business Economics.
She didn't get my arts obsession, I didn't get her knack with numbers, but together we were unstoppable.

"Have you ever seen so many people in one place?" Ellen whispered as we took in our surroundings.
Most people were facing a makeshift podium sat up in front of the administration building. The speakers and microphones signalled an impending message, and an imposing, suited gentleman was standing with a benevolent smile to the side exhanging words with an equally suitclad woman.

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